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词汇 damaging
例句 It is not possible to reposition the carpet without damaging it.想要挪动地毯又不让它损坏是不可能的。Hurst resigned after a series of damaging allegations concerning his personal life.赫斯特在受到一系列对其个人生活的不利指控后辞职。Always check the oil level, or else you risk damaging the engine.要不断查看油量,否则就有损坏发动机的危险。Acid eats into the metal, damaging its surface.酸腐蚀金属,损坏其表面。There is now clear evidence that these chemicals are damaging the environment.现有证据清楚地表明这些化学品正在破坏环境。But tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.但旅游业具有两面性,既刺激经济增长但又会破坏环境。The Conservative Party rounded angrily on him for damaging the Government.保守党愤怒地抨击他破坏政府。The British beef crisis was damaging to the livelihoods of thousands of people in the industry.英国的牛肉危机危害了该行业中成千上万人的生计。The publicity that followed the scandal has been extremely damaging.丑闻之后的媒体宣传产生了巨大的破坏力。Sun lotions screen out damaging ultraviolet light.防晒霜可以隔离有害的紫外线。The most damaging thing the West could do is to starve Russia of new foreign capital.西方能够祭出的最阴险一招就是不让俄罗斯得到新的外资。These allegations are very damaging.这些指控极具负面影响。The boys have been charged with damaging school property.那些男孩子被指控破坏学校财物。He claimed the articles were libellous and damaging to the interests of the team.他声称那些文章属于诽谤,损害了该团队的利益。An apparently failing memory is damaging for a national leader.明显的记忆力衰退对一个国家领导人来说极为不利。They may be damaging their corporate reputation.他们可能正在毁掉企业声誉。Unemployment is so damaging both to individuals and to communities.失业对个人和社会都有极大的负面影响。The loss of jobs was damaging to morale.工作岗位减少影响了士气。Pregnant women who are heavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn foetus.酗酒的孕妇可能会给体内的胎儿造成伤害。They set the pace in cutting ozone-damaging emissions.他们在减少破坏臭氧层的气体排放量方面走在了最前面。They attempted to disprove the notion that education was damaging to women's health.他们试图反驳教育对女性健康有害这种观念。I think it will be a long time before we even begin to understand how damaging the effect has been.我觉得我们要过很长时间才会开始意识到后果的危害性。He says he has damaging information about the candidate.他说他掌握着对那位候选人不利的信息。Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.这些化学品中有些对环境非常有害。Smoking is damaging to health.吸烟有害健康。Many modern farming methods are highly damaging to the environment.许多现代的耕种方式对环境破坏很大。The caretaker ran out and saw off the boys who had been damaging the fence.管理员跑出来,把那些破坏栅栏的男孩子轰了出去。Our youngest daughter was hyperactive, and it had a damaging effect on the whole family.我们的幼女是一个多动的孩子,把全家人都搞得无法安宁。Cheap imports are damaging our business.低廉的进口商品正在使我们的生意受损。If you think you can keep drinking so much without damaging your health, then you're mistaken.如果你认为可以继续喝这么多酒而不损害健康的话,那你错了。Unemployment is very damaging to individuals.失业对个人有很大的负面影响。The incident was a damaging and distracting sideshow.这个事件只是个破坏性的、分散注意力的枝节问题。Is the recycling process in itself damaging to the environment?这一回收利用过程本身对环境有害吗?The argument could lead to a damaging split in the party.这场争吵可能会导致党内严重的分裂。He won't thank you for damaging his new car.你损坏了他那辆新车,他必定非常恼火。This scandal could prove seriously damaging to the government.这一丑闻可能对政府造成严重的不良影响。At the beach are hundreds of bare bodies exposed to the sun's damaging rays.海滩上,成百上千的人们赤身露体地在有伤害作用的阳光下暴晒。These strikes are damaging the economy.这些罢工正对经济造成破坏。I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.我努力保持蜷曲的姿势以免四肢受伤。We can't risk any damaging scandals just before a Presidential election.总统大选在即,我们不可以冒险让任何有破坏性的丑闻传出。




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