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词汇 工作
例句 I'm going for a job the Labour picked out for me.我正在争取一份由劳工介绍所为我选定的工作They threw him a big party as a thank-you for his work at the community center.他们为他举办了一场大型聚会,以感谢他在社区中心的工作She did meticulous work.工作一丝不苟。I am the boss at work, but my wife calls the shots at home.工作时我是老板,但是在家时我太太发号施令。She got a job in the retail line.她在零售业找了份工作He was the wrong person for the job.他不适合做这份工作She has been working longer hours. 她一直在加班加点地工作The very poorest parents are not in work, they are living on benefit.正是这些极端贫困的父母没有工作,靠救济金过活。They worked with no thought of reward.他们不图报酬地工作He has had back trouble since changing jobs.自从换了工作,他的后背一直不舒服。They worked speedily and efficiently.他们快速高效地工作Both my parents work for the same broadcaster.我父母在同一家电视台工作They somehow manage to work without the benefit of modern technology.他们想方设法在没有现代技术辅助的情况下工作She says her bilingualism has helped her in her career.她说会两种语言对她的工作很有帮助。Please stand aside, you are throwing your shadow over my work.请你站开,你的身影遮住了光线,我没法工作She is overpaid for the work she does.工作的报酬过高。He had already messed up one career.他已经把一份工作搞砸了。I was finishing my last semester in college and trying to look for a job.我当时即将结束最后一个学期的大学生活,正想找份工作Drug problems frequently interfered with his work.吸毒问题频频干扰他的工作Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned.在海外工作对所有相关人员来说都应该是一段让人兴奋而愉快的经历。His work was done. He had gone over to the majority.他的工作完成了。他已离开了人世。The job is taking a long time because the workmen are so slack.这项工作花费了很长时间,因为工人很懒散。A doctor advised her to seek remunerative employment.一个医生建议她去找有酬劳的工作These are kamikaze jobs, the ones almost guaranteed to end your career.这些是极危险的工作,差不多准保能毁了你的事业。I do a lot of research and development work in my job.我的工作涉及大量研发工作Her job involves filing and other general office work.她的工作包括文件归档和办公室的其他一般性事务。They're very hot on dress at work so she always looks very smart for the office.他们非常注重工作着装,所以她总是穿得非常整洁。The editor's job is to prepare the manuscript for print. 编辑的工作就是将手稿整理好付印。He's in insurance.他是从事保险工作的。The stress of her job had brought her to the brink of a nervous breakdown.工作的压力让她几乎精神崩溃。In the winter he worked shoveling sidewalks.冬天他的工作是清除人行道上的积雪。I did a lot of work on that book. It annoys me that the editor never acknowledged it.我为那本书做了很多工作,但气人的是编辑对此只字未提。They've cut back my hours at work.他们减少了我的工作时间。Your mind has been stocked with knowledge essential for the task.你头脑中已经具备了做这项工作必备的知识。We'll have to connect these wires to make the radio work.我们必须把这些电线接起来使收音机工作You should work more efficiently.你得工作得更有效率。Soccer referees have a thankless task.足球裁判是个费力不讨好的工作The miners were browbeaten into working in a part of the mine that the company knew to be dangerous.矿工在威逼下在矿下一个公司知道有危险的区域工作The company started him at the same salary he had been getting at his previous job.公司以他之前工作的薪水作为起薪。We're literally organizing leadership down to the precinct level.实际上我们把指导工作都组织到了选区。




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