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词汇 贩卖
例句 She was sold into slavery.她被贩卖为奴。There is a restaurant that sells specialty foods on top of the knoll.在圆顶小丘的顶上,有一间贩卖特殊食物的餐厅。The gang earned as much as $10 million a month peddling heroin and cocaine.这个黑帮贩卖海洛因和可卡因,一个月有多达一千万美元的收入。He was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to sell.他被判犯有藏匿可卡因意图贩卖的罪行。Drake is in a federal prison in Houston, awaiting trial on charges of cocaine trafficking.德雷克被关押在休斯顿联邦监狱,因贩卖可卡因而候审。It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?这是个很容易激起公愤的话题。你怎么能够鼓吹贩卖象牙?He was arrested for selling illicit copies of the software.他因贩卖盗版软件被逮捕了。A software pirate made bootleg copies of the computer program.软件盗版者非法复制贩卖这个电脑程序。During his varied criminal career, he bootlegged liquor into Los Angeles.在罪行多端的犯罪生涯中,他曾向洛杉矶贩卖私酒。He was arrested for selling pirated software.他因贩卖盗版软件被捕。He was jailed for peddling crack.他因贩卖强效可卡因而入狱。Anyone caught pushing heroin or cocaine is given a long prison sentence.凡因贩卖海洛因或可卡因被捕的人,都要判长期徒刑。We need a multinational strike force to combat drug trafficking.我们需要组建一支多国快速行动部队来打击毒品贩卖活动。Traffic in narcotics is a modern hydra.毒品贩卖是现代社会一大祸患。The use and sale of marijuana remains illegal.吸食和贩卖大麻仍然是违法的。




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