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Act now or you're goosed.马上就行动,不然你会完蛋的。Without a skilled man in the saddle this business is likely to be completely ruined before the end of the year.没有一位懂行的人掌权,这家企业很可能在年底前完蛋。If you fall behind, you're a goner.你如果落在后面,准保完蛋。Could you bear your favourite child to be ruined?你能忍心看着你最喜爱的孩子完蛋吗?His taste for gambling was his finish.嗜赌是他完蛋的原因。Don't take that route, it's poison.别走那条路线,否则准保完蛋。He felt he was on the edge of an abyss; one false move and he was finished.他觉得自己在深渊的边缘,一步不慎就会完蛋。That politician was not finished. He might come back some day.那个政治家并未完蛋,有朝一日他可能卷土重来。We don't want to see our business go down the pan.我们不想看到自己的生意完蛋。 |