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词汇 完美
例句 The plane made a smooth/perfect landing.飞机平稳/完美着陆。The scene where the two characters dance is the perfect summation of the love and desire between them.两人双双起舞的场面完美地概括了他们之间的爱与渴望。A tiny mark flawed the otherwise perfect silk shirt.一个小小的污点使本来完美的丝绸衬衫有了瑕疵。They seemed like the perfect couple, but you never know what goes on behind closed doors.他们看上去是完美的一对儿,但你永远也不知道他们私底下怎么样。Wide-leg trousers are the perfect accompaniment.阔腿裤是完美的搭配品。The new software program is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination.这套新软件程序无论怎么讲都不能算是完美的。His pass described a perfect arc through the leaden sky.他的传球在阴沉的天空中划出了一道完美的弧线。You're very lucky to have perfect teeth.你太幸运了,能拥有一口完美的牙齿。While I accept that he's not perfect in many respects, I do actually like the man.虽然我承认他在很多方面不是那么完美,但我实际上还是非常喜欢这个男人的。David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。Their perfect marriage was, in fact, far from it.他们完美的婚姻,事实上,远非如此。I would like to point out that no one is perfect.我想说,没有人是完美的。Cut! That scene was perfect.停!这场很完美He committed the perfect murder and left no forensic evidence.他实施了完美的谋杀,没留下任何可用于法庭的证据。She and her husband are a perfect couple. They belong together.她和她丈夫是完美的一对儿,天生就该在一起。Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all.也许这个人说到底品行并非那么完美In a perfect world, there would be the facilities and money to treat every sick person.在一个完美的世界里,会有治疗每一位病人的设备和金钱。They glided down to a perfect landing.他们滑翔而下,着陆动作漂亮完美That is a finished performance.那是一次完美的表演。The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.完美的身材总是很难拥有。His idea of a perfect vacation is a weeklong camp-out with the whole family.他心目中最完美的度假就是带全家去作为时一周的露营。Yuri gave a copybook display.尤里的表演堪称完美She is a perfect incarnation of glamour.她是魅力的完美化身。He mixed business and pleasure in a perfect and dynamic way.他以互动的方式将工作和娱乐完美地结合起来。The scarf is a perfect complement to her outfit.这条围巾配她这身衣服,堪称完美Everything was perfect. She was in Elysium.对她来说一切都是那么完美,就好像在天堂一样。During the time I was married I tried to be the perfect wife.在那段婚姻生活中,我努力要做个完美的妻子。In real life, relationships are not perfect.在现实生活中,恋爱不是完美的。The bush had been pruned into a perfect hemisphere.树丛被修剪成了一个完美的半球。Her latest collection of swimwear shows off the contours of the human body to perfection.她的最新系列泳装衬完美地托出了人体的曲线。It takes a very steady hand and plenty of practice to paint a perfect line.只有手不发抖并多加练习才能画出完美的线条。She timed her entry to perfection.她非常完美地安排了自己入场的时间。The dancers executed perfect twirls.舞蹈演员们做出了完美的旋转动作。Fontana was a true aesthete who could turn almost anything into perfect art.丰塔纳是一个真正的审美家,可以把几乎任何东西都变成完美的艺术品。The pilot made a picture-perfect landing.飞行员完成了一个堪称完美的降落。In a perfect world , there would be no need for weapons.完美的世界里人们将不需要武器。Jackie has a perfectly shaped figure.杰姬有一副完美的身材。She scored on a perfect shot from the right wing.她从右翼一次完美射门得分。This would be a beautiful/perfect/ideal setting for a picnic.这里会是漂亮/完美/理想的野餐场所。One of the best ways to get to your ideal size is to cut fat intake right down.塑造完美身材的最佳办法之一就是减少脂肪摄入量。




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