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例句 The court will sit until all the evidence has been heard.法院将一直开庭到所有证词都陈述完毕为止。The bomb had been primed to go off at midday.炸弹已经安装完毕,准备在中午引爆。The defence rests its case.律师的辩护陈述完毕Her lawyers have made a formal request that she be allowed to stay in the country until her husband's trial.她的律师已提出正式要求,允许她留在国内等到丈夫受审完毕After Martine had freshened up, they went for a long walk.马蒂娜梳洗完毕后,他们出去散了一个长步。If it has not been traversed in detail already, I would like to ask you about their involvement in investigations.要不是还没全面细致地研究完毕,我很想问问你他们在调查研究中的参与情况。All the votes have been counted.所有选票都清点完毕The defense rested its case.被告就此案所做陈述完毕The vote was completed. The chairman announced the result.投票完毕。主席宣布了结果。The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.人群在祈祷完毕后平静地散去。Put everything back where it belongs when you're through.使用完毕,把所有东西放回原处。He washed, shaved and made short work of packing his light bag.他洗了脸,刮了胡子,又快速把轻便提包打包完毕The clearing of rubbish and drains is still incomplete.垃圾和排水沟还没有清理完毕If all the actors are in costume, we're ready to begin.如果所有演员都穿戴完毕,我们就准备开始了。The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck.三个人似乎已经把东西往卡车上装载完毕Finally loaded, the Turkish fleet puts out to sea.终于装载完毕,土耳其舰队出海了。Message received, Mission Control. Over and out.指挥中心,信息已收到。完毕The fields are ploughed as soon as the winter crop is removed.冬季作物一收割完毕就犁地。Are you hearing me loud and clear? Over.我说话你听得清楚吗?完毕The ship cleared yesterday and is ready to leave.这条船昨天结关完毕,现正准备离港。The workmen have finished loading.工人们已装货完毕He doesn't think he's going to get the baby's room finished before it's born.他觉得自己不能在小孩出生前把婴儿室装修完毕The train was held until the track was cleared.直到轨道清理完毕火车才开动。On the plane, the flight attendant brings you a towelette after your meal.在飞机上,你用餐完毕乘务员会给你一张湿餐巾纸。All appeals have been exhausted and his execution is imminent.所有的上诉已审理完毕,很快会对他执行死刑。When she realized she was late for work, she quickly put on her things and left.意识到上班迟到了,她迅速穿戴完毕出了门。A big breakfast of bacon, egg and fried bread faced me when I had finished my ablutions.沐浴完毕,摆着培根、鸡蛋和烤面包的丰盛早餐出现在我面前。The senator conceded the election before all the votes were counted.全部选票尚未计算完毕,那参议员就承认竞选失败。We read you loud and clear. Over.我们能够清楚地听到你的声音。完毕She was dressed up and in a mood to party.她已梳妆打扮完毕,准备好参加晚会。When you are off parade, you may smoke.一俟检阅完毕,你方可以抽烟。The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried out.那两名警察被暂时停职,直到调查进行完毕Lester finished speaking, and there was a ripple of rather lukewarm applause.莱斯特演说完毕,下面响起冷冷清清的掌声。Caviar should be packed at source.鱼子酱甫一加工完毕即应予以包装。Before graduation the entire school was gathered together in the gymnasium.全校师生在体育馆里集合完毕,随后举行了高中毕业典礼。I've finished decorating the bathroom, so now I can start on the bedroom.卫生间我已经装修完毕,现在可以开始卧室的装修了。She leisurely finished her toilette.她从从容容地打扮完毕The videos were packaged up, ready for distribution.这些录像带已经包装完毕,可以付运了。




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