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词汇 贡献
例句 She did much to improve the city.她对这个城市的发展贡献良多。She has contributed greatly to our success.她对我们的成功贡献很大。He made a major contribution to peace in the region.他对该地区的和平作出了重要贡献Our thanks go to everyone who helped to make this celebration a success.我们感谢每一位为这次庆祝活动成功举办做出贡献的人A lot of employers are coming around to the idea that older employees have a lot to offer a company.许多雇主正在改变看法,相信年长的员工对公司贡献很大。Her contribution to our work is incalculable.她对我们工作上的贡献是数不尽的。The Queen recognized his services to his country by awarding him an MBE.女王授予她大英帝国员佐勋章,以表彰她对国家的贡献Migrant workers played a central role in the state's prosperity.流动工人为该州的繁荣作出了重要贡献She's honored for her contributions towards finding a cure for AIDS.她因在探究艾滋病的治疗方法上做出的贡献而获得荣誉。He did not contribute to the project.他对这个项目没有做出过贡献He may be happy with the flowering of new thinking, but he has yet to contribute much to it himself.他也许会对新思想的盛行感到高兴,但他本人并没有为此作出多大贡献Owen delivered the killer blow soon after half-time.下半场开始不久欧文就贡献了一记绝杀。AIDS kills mostly the young population of a nation. These are the people who contribute most to a country's economic development.死于艾滋病的主要是一个国家的年轻人,而正是这些人对国家经济发展贡献最大。His research aided in the discovery of a new treatment for cancer.他的研究为癌症新疗法的发现做出了贡献His contribution to the team's success has been immense.他为这支队伍的成功作出了重大的贡献Many players have contributed to the team's success.许多球员对球队的成功做出了贡献They're always trying to devalue my contribution to the department.他们总是想方设法贬低我对该部门的贡献Their contribution will prove a hard act to follow.他们的贡献将令后来者难望项背。Discussion centred on the contribution different groups would make to the project.讨论的中心是各个小组可以对该项目作出的贡献She has made an exceptionally useful contribution to the debate.她为辩论作出了极大贡献With uncharacteristic modesty, Will explained his contribution to the development of the film medium.威尔以难得的谦逊态度阐述了他对电影媒介的发展所作出的贡献His contribution was very great. It can never rust away.他的贡献极大,将永垂不朽。No single individual had done so much for the development of the motor vehicle.没有哪一个人对机动车的发展作出过如此大的贡献With thanks to English Nature for their generous contribution of selected images used in this publication.感谢英国自然署为这本出版物慷慨贡献的精美图片。Freud, more than anyone, was responsible for the establishment of psychology as a science.弗洛伊德对确立心理学为一门科学的贡献比任何人都大。He selflessly directed all his energies to the cause of communism.他无私地把全部精力贡献于共产主义事业。It was with ill grace that he acknowledged our contribution.他只是勉强承认了我们的贡献Dr Win was a major contributor to the research.温博士是对此项研究作出了主要贡献的人。He wanted to contribute in some way to the war effort. 他想以某种方式为赢得战争做出贡献Their contributions to science have earned them an everlasting place in history.他们对科学的贡献让他们名垂青史。He has made inestimable contributions to our society.他对我们的社会做出了无法估量的贡献His contribution is immeasurable.他的贡献无法衡量。Mr Lee contributed a great deal to the research.李先生对这项研究贡献颇多。The new director has provided the missing ingredient that was needed for the show's success.这位新导演为演出的成功贡献了不可或缺的力量。All too often, companies undervalue the contributions made by low-ranking workers.很多时候公司低估了下层工人所做出的贡献Her contribution to horticulture was recognized when a new rose was named after her.一种新品种玫瑰以她的名字命名,以嘉奖她对园艺学的贡献You must be prepared to make a positive contribution to the business.你必须准备为企业作出积极的贡献I want to thank each and every person who has contributed to this project.我要感谢为这个项目做出贡献的每一个人。They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we want from it.他们恪守着这样的原则:我们来到世上是要为生活做贡献,而不是从中索取。I don't want to minimize the contributions he has made to the company.我不想贬低他对公司所做的贡献




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