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词汇 stubbornly
例句 The silence was deafening as they both sat there stubbornly refusing to apologize.他们俩坐在那儿坚决不道歉,气氛一片死寂。We stubbornly fight on, gritting our teeth.我们咬紧牙关,顽强地继续战斗。If the enemy continue to resist stubbornly, wipe them out.要是敌人继续顽抗,就把他们消灭干净。She flatly/stubbornly/steadfastly refused to help.她断然/执拗地/坚决拒绝提供帮助。The fever persisted stubbornly.高烧持续不退。He still clings stubbornly to his socialist ideas.他依然坚守自己的社会主义信念。He stubbornly refused to tell her how he had come to be in such a state.他固执地拒绝告诉她自己是如何沦落到这种地步的。He stubbornly insisted on doing it all himself.他执意坚持独自做这件事。She stubbornly refused to cooperate.她顽固地拒绝合作。A small white elite stubbornly refuses to face the winds of change.少数上层白人顽固地拒绝正视变革的潮流。Some interest rates have remained stubbornly high.部分利率一直居高不下。The courts remained stubbornly inflexible.审判人员固执地不肯改变。They stubbornly refuse to admit there's a problem.他们死不承认有问题。The detective stubbornly persisted with his questions.侦探执意继续问他的问题。The colonialists stubbornly defended their annexations with fire and sword.殖民主义者大肆烧杀,顽固防守他们并吞的领土。His jaw jutted stubbornly forward; he would not be denied.他倔强地扬起下巴,一副不肯罢休的样子。She stubbornly refused to move.她固执地拒绝挪动位置。A small minority remained stubbornly opposed to the idea.一小部分人仍在顽强抵制这一想法。




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