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词汇 stub
例句 With a very fragile stem it is best to lay a stub-wire against it.对于纤弱的花梗,最好用一小段铅丝撑住。Hold onto your ticket stub in case you leave the theater and want to come back in again.留好票根,以备离开剧院还想再进来时用。When I went to the Super Bowl, I kept my ticket stub as a souvenir.我去看橄榄球超级碗比赛时,留下了票根作纪念。He pulled the stub of a pencil from behind his ear.他从耳后拿出一小段铅笔头。He paused to stub out the butt of his cigar.他停下来捻灭雪茄烟蒂。If you leave the theater, you won't be allowed to reenter without showing a ticket stub.如果离开剧场,须出示入场券副券方能重新入场。She would sit there drawing with the pencil stub.她会坐在那儿用铅笔头画画。The bears showed their stub-tails.那些熊露出了它们又粗又短的尾巴。His foot caught on a tree stub.他的脚被树根绊了一下。Signs across the entrances warn all visitors to stub out their cigarettes.入口处的告示牌提醒游客们熄灭香烟。Don't stub your cigarette out on the floor!别把香烟按在地板上捻熄!




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