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He was strutting around like the cock of the walk after he got a promotion.升职之后,他像只骄傲的公鸡趾高气扬地走来走去。Richard was strutting around as if he owned the place.理查德四处大摇大摆地走着,好像这地方是他的一样。The peacocks were strutting slowly across the garden.雄孔雀正在园子里昂首阔步地走着。The new president's friends have been strutting around town as if they owned the place.新总统的朋友在城里大摇大摆,好像是在他们自己的地盘上似的。The hotel was full of rich people strutting around in fur coats and Rolex watches.酒店里到处都是有钱人,他们穿着毛皮大衣、戴着劳力士手表,神气活现地走来走去。 |