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He strutted across the stage like Mick Jagger.他像米克·贾格尔一样神气活现地走到舞台的另一边。The general strutted up and down his office.将军在办公室里神气活现地踱来踱去。A peacock strutted on the lawn.孔雀在草地上昂首踱步。He strutted into the room, full of his own self-importance.他趾高气扬地走进房间,样子十足的傲慢。He strutted to and fro importantly, ordering everybody around.他趾高气扬地走来走去,支使着身边所有的人。He made like a rooster and strutted across the stage.他装扮成一只公鸡,在舞台上大摇大摆地走过。Peacocks strutted on the lawn.孔雀在草地上昂首阔步地走著。The band strutted their stuff in a free concert.那支乐队在一场免费音乐会上一显身手。The man has strutted importantly about the national stage for years.此人多年来在国家政治舞台上扮演重要角色。I strutted around Chicago as if I were really somebody.我在芝加哥昂首阔步地四处走,好像自己真是个人物似的。Magpies strutted between the olives.喜鹊在油橄榄树间神气活现地踱步。She strutted across the stage.她昂首阔步走过舞台。Eddie turned around and strutted back to them.埃迪转过身趾高气扬走回到他们那儿。He strutted the streets like a gaudy fighting cock.他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只炫丽好斗的公鸡。 |