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词汇 负责
例句 In the short term, the agreement is intended to reassure consumers that someone is minding the store.这项协议的目的是向消费者保证,在变更期仍有人负责No one has yet claimed responsibility for yesterday's bombing.还没有人声称对昨天的爆炸事件负责US marshals specialize in finding fugitives and escapees.美国的执法官专职负责追查逃犯及越狱犯。We cannot be held responsible for goods lost in transit.我们不能对运送中丢失的货物负责The university has responsibility for the upkeep of the buildings.由这所大学负责大楼的维护。The team police get to know the people in their patrol areas better than cops who must cover a larger beat.小分队的警察比那些负责大片区域的警察更了解自己管片的群众。The director of the factory felt no individual responsibility for the deficit.厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责Two years after joining the police force, he was put in charge of the department's records.他加入警察部队两年后,被调去负责部门的档案记录。If people develop smoking-related diseases, are they or the tobacco companies culpable?如果人们得了抽烟引起的疾病,谁应该负责,他们自己还是烟草公司?The international education program came under the umbrella of the State Department.国际教育计划由美国国务院负责I had hoped you would behave in a more responsible manner.我曾希望你会表现得更负责些。Sick prisoners in the camp were "cared for", in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.拘留营里生病的犯人由警卫而不是护士负责所谓的“照料”。When she managed the department, we never missed a deadline.负责这个部门的时候,我们从来没有误过期限。The lion's share of the work will go to American companies.这项工作的最大部分将由美国公司负责完成。Who's in charge of the Finance Department?负责财务部门?She does all the typing and filing in our office.负责我们办公室所有的打字和存档工作。Responsibility for the dance numbers was split between Robert Alton and the young George Balanchine.舞蹈节目分别由罗伯特·奥尔顿和年轻的乔治·巴兰钦负责She's responsible for training new recruits.负责训练新成员。The article falsely implied that he was responsible for the accident.文章错误地暗示他应该对事故负责I usually do the driving and he navigates.通常我负责开车,由他引路。Will you take responsibility for arranging the food?你来负责安排饭食怎么样?We all must answer for our actions.我们都必须对自己的行动负责The club treasurer is held answerable to the club for the money given to him.俱乐部司库对交付给他的钱财应向俱乐部负责She had been working in a pub, cooking and waitressing.她之前在酒吧工作,负责烹饪和招待。He is responsible for the campaign's outreach to college students.负责将运动的范围扩展到大学生中。Reporter Alan Nearn covers Central America and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.记者艾伦·尼恩负责在中美洲采访报道,定期向《纽约客》杂志投稿。Who handles the marketing in your company?你们公司谁负责市场营销?One salesperson covers the whole state.一个推销员负责整个州的销售。The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service.政府的日常琐事由女王陛下的行政部门负责The prime minister and his ministers are all responsible to Parliament.首相和大臣们都要对议会负责We'll take care of all your expenses – within limits, of course.你的一切费用将由我们负责,当然,这是有限额的。We still haven't settled a number of problems, like who is going to be in charge here while I'm away.有一些问题我们还未解决,比如说我不在时这里由谁负责He was held responsible for the fire that destroyed the house.他被认为应对这场烧毁房屋的大火负责No one has yet claimed responsibility for planting the bomb.目前还没有人宣称为放置炸弹负责Six police officers are in charge of the district.六名警员负责这个片区。We would have thought he would have a more responsible attitude.我们本以为他会采取更负责的态度。She is a very responsible worker.她是一名很负责的员工。Federal authorities said that no one has claimed responsibility for the bombing as of yet.联邦当局说至今还无人声称对这次爆炸事件负责You alone are responsible. = The responsibility is yours alone.只有你应对此负责He is responsible beyond a shadow of a doubt.毫无疑问该他负责




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