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I left her to get on with the task of correcting the errors.我让她自己继续改正错误。We will correct the error at the first opportunity. 我们会第一时间改正错误。We are making a determined effort to correct our mistakes.我们坚决努力改正错误。We hope he'll come to his senses and correct his mistakes.我们希望他能觉悟,改正错误。Most companies willingly correct what went wrong.大多数公司愿意主动改正错误。Celia corrected the mistakes with a pen.西莉亚用钢笔改正错误。Now is the time that we correct the wrongness.现在是我们改正错误的时候了。Most companies willingly correct what went wrong or, if that is impossible, explain why the situation occurred.大多数公司愿意主动改正错误,如果无法改正,也会解释为什么会出现这种情况。 |