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I'm absolutely hopeless at languages.我在语言学习方面简直糟透了。Computers can be used to facilitate language learning.计算机可以用来方便语言学习。Learners of languages acquire vocabulary through practice.语言学习者通过练习来掌握词汇。A study of language should feature in an English literature course.语言学习在英语文学课程中应当很重要。Role play is used in training courses, language-learning and psychotherapy.角色扮演被用于训练课程、语言学习和精神疗法中。The grammar guide is a useful aid for language learners and teachers.这本语法指南对语言学习者和教师都很有帮助。A good dictionary can aid language learning.一部好词典有助于语言学习。Computers are now commonly used in language learning.如今,电脑广泛应用于语言学习。This situation generally obtains in early language learning.这种情况通常存在于早期的语言学习中。Language learning often takes place in a less than ideal environment.语言学习经常在不尽理想的环境中进行。 |