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词汇 迈克
例句 Mike had got the breakfast routine down to a fine art.迈克把早饭这一套学到家了。We've had no news of Mike for months.我们已经好几个月没有迈克的音讯了。Can you manage that door Mike? It looks awfully heavy.你推得动这门吗,迈克?它好像很重。Mike needed a copy of the will to show that the books had been left to him.迈克需要一份遗嘱复印件来证明那些书是留给他的。Material possessions have always been a low priority for Mike.迈克来说,物质的追求一直都是次要的。Mike rubbed the back of his neck.迈克揉了揉后颈。Mike despaired of ever seeing her again.迈克对再次见到她已不抱任何希望。Mike commutes to London every day.迈克每天乘车到伦敦上班。Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade.迈克是当地志愿消防队队员。The magazine became the cornerstone of McFadden's publishing empire.这本杂志成了迈克法登出版帝国的支柱。Mike was a happy child and never gave us any trouble at all.迈克是个快乐的孩子,从来不给我们添麻烦。When Mike lost his job, we could barely make ends meet.自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。She nodded for Mike to lead the way.她点点头叫迈克带路。Mike seemed eminently more intelligent than the rest of the team.迈克似乎比其他队员聪明得多。Mike tells me you've got a new job.迈克告诉我,你找到新工作了。Mike's confidence seemed to have deserted him.迈克似乎丧失了信心。If there were serious problems between Rosie and Mike, the last thing she wanted was to be caught in the middle.如果罗茜和迈克之间出现严重问题,她最不希望的就是被夹在中间。I looked across the street and saw Mike's head poking out above the fence.我向街对面望去,只见迈克从篱笆的上面探出头来。He's one of Mike's buddies.他是迈克的一个伙伴。Oh Mike's okay, he's just a bit of a goof ball.噢,迈克不错,他只是有点傻。Chris is on drums and Mike's on bass guitar.克里斯打鼓,迈克弹低音电吉他。Mike's little brother is doing much better at school than he is.迈克的小弟弟在学校里的表现比他好多了。Mike always puts his feet on my side of the bed.迈克总是把脚放到床上我这一侧。It became clear that I hadn't been able to convince Mike.很明显,我没有能够说服迈克After four attempts, Mike finally passed his driving test.经过四次尝试后,迈克终于通过了驾驶考试。Mike improvised a little farewell song at the end of the evening.晚会的最后迈克即兴演唱了一首短小的告别歌。John was embarrassed, but it didn't faze Mike a bit.约翰尴尬起来,但是这一点儿也没让迈克困窘。They've had to dispense with a lot of luxuries since Mike lost his job.由于迈克丢了工作,他们不得不与奢侈生活告别。She was holding hands with Mike.她正握着迈克的手。Mike's hobbies include reading and chess.迈克的业余爱好包括阅读和下棋。People defraud their companies every day, but Mike would never do such a thing!每天都有人欺骗公司,但迈克决不会做这种事!Mike did his best to sound up and cheerful.迈克尽量使自己的声音听上去充满信心,兴高采烈。Mike is a quiet, reflective man.迈克是一个文静、喜欢沉思的人。Ella's angry outburst was so unexpected that Mike really didn't know what to say.不料埃拉突然发起火来,迈克实在不知道说什么才好。Mike drew a line along the wall to show where the tiles would come up to.迈克沿着墙边画了一条线,标明墙砖铺到哪里。Suffice (it) to say, Mike won't be going to Tina's birthday party after what he said about her to her boss.不用多说,迈克对蒂娜的老板那样说了她之后,他是不会去参加她的生日聚会的。Mike insisted that he was right.迈克坚决认为自己是对的。Where are Diane and Mike? Sleeping in again, huh?黛安娜和迈克在哪里?又在睡懒觉啊?We had fun trying to guess who Mike's new girlfriend was.我们大家闹着玩,猜迈克的新女朋友是谁。Mike finally got it together to ask Sue to marry him.迈克终于稳住了自己,向休求婚。




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