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词汇 过错
例句 He suffered for his offence.他因自己的过错而受到惩罚。I don't blame Jack for the mistake.对于这个过错,我不责怪杰克。A more charitable person would forgive the boy's errors.宽容点儿的人就会原谅那男孩的过错The only thing I consider wrong is when you hurt someone.我认为唯一的过错就是伤害别人。I had no intention of going over all your faults.我不打算列举你所有的过错You have to learn to live with other people's mistakes.你得学会容忍别人的过错He tried sincerely to make up for his mistake.他诚心诚意地想弥补自己的过错He has had to shoulder the responsibility of his father's mistakes.他得为他父亲的过错承担责任。It's no fault of hers.这不是她的过错I'm not going to take the rap for management's mistakes.我可不愿意承担管理层造成的过错He never put a foot wrong during the campaign.他在竞选中从没出过错By some subtlety of native reasoning he fastened the blame on Konica.通过某种微妙的直觉推理,他把过错推到了柯尼卡头上。True guilt is characterized by a readiness to make atonement for having done wrong.真正的内疚表现为愿意弥补所犯的过错The company is guilty of subordinating safety to profit.公司犯了置安全于利润之下的过错Don't worry about it. It was an honest mistake. 别担心了,这是一个无心的过错He feels he is blameless.他觉得自己没有什么过错We must repent of our sins/wrongdoings.我们必须忏悔所犯下的罪孽/过错Who was the least at fault in the case?在这起案件中,谁的过错最小?He was jawed for making that mistake.他因犯了那个过错而遭到斥责。I've never known her to be wrong. 我就没见她出过错He is keenly aware of his own faults.他强烈地意识到自己的过错Schultz appeared in public again on Wednesday to protest her innocence and deny any wrong-doing.舒尔茨周三又公开露面坚持她是无辜的,否认犯了任何过错He insists that these problems are not his fault.他坚称这些问题并非由于他的过错That wasn't my fault, anyway.反正那不是我的过错Being too early for appointments saved you from the sin of being late.提前赴约使你不会犯下迟到的过错I'll overlook your mistake this time.这次我对你的过错就不加追究了。That man has some nerve! He's always blaming me for things that are his fault.那人真是无耻!有些事明明是他的过错,他却总来责备我。It was wrong of you to fasten the blame on him.你把过错推到他头上是不对的。Women who have the misfortune to be involved with violent men often think it's their own fault.女人不幸碰上凶暴的男人一般都认为是她们自己的过错It's not your fault-blame the system.不是你的过错,怪就怪这个制度吧。How can we right these wrongs?我们如何纠正这些过错呢?He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.他气量大,承认这是他的过错He took the blame upon himself.他站出来承担过错It's silly to imagine that one partner in a divorce is completely innocent and that the other is the sole guilty party.认为离婚事件中一方毫无过错过错全在于另一方,这是很愚蠢的。I decided to make a clean breast of it/things and admit that I was to blame.我决定彻底坦白,承认自己对此事的过错She asked in what way she had offended.她问自己犯了什么过错The media must accept their share of the blame.传媒必须承担部分过错I'll hold my hand up to the mistake.我会承认这是我的过错It's my fault.这是我的过错We can find no demerit in his actions.在他的行为中我们不能发现什么过错




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