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We could hear her practising / practicing her scales.我们可以听到她在做音阶试唱。They've just completed a Christmas single and are also demoing lots of new songs.他们刚刚完成了一首圣诞节单曲,并且正在试唱很多新歌。After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera, she turned to musical comedy.在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而去演音乐喜剧了。It was six months before she had a chance to try her songs out in front of a live audience.过了六个月她才有机会在现场观众面前试唱自己的歌。The singer told fans he had a new unrecorded song to try out on them.歌手告诉他的歌迷,他有一首尚未录制的新歌向他们试唱。He made all the right noises about my audition but I couldn't tell if he was genuinely impressed.他一个劲儿地说我的试唱好,但我判断不出他是否真的这样觉得。We tried out the new song on a couple of friends, but they didn't like it.我们给几位朋友试唱了新歌,但是他们都不喜欢。 |