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She's strong on vocabulary but not grammar.她的词汇很强,但语法不行。Teachers can help build students' vocabulary knowledge by heightening their interest in words.老师们可以通过提高学生们对单词的兴趣来帮助他们构建词汇知识。Though the languages are related they share almost/virtually none of the same vocabulary.尽管这些语言有关联,但它们几乎/基本上没有相同的词汇。The language is constantly assimilating new words. 这种语言一直在不断吸收新的词汇。The words are semantically related.这些词汇在语义上相互关联。Their vocabulary bristles fashionably with talk of federalism.他们开口闭口都是联邦制度,满口时髦词汇。It's easy to muddle up some Spanish and Italian words.很容易将一些西班牙语词汇和意大利语词汇混淆。The English language is rich in vocabulary.英语的词汇很丰富。English has a rich vocabulary and literature.英语有着丰富的词汇和文学作品。English has borrowed words from many languages.英语从很多语言中借用了词汇。Mr Marr makes extensive use of exclusively Scottish words.马尔先生使用了大量苏格兰特有的词汇。The language developed further through the admixture of words of Greek and Latin origin.这种语言通过混入源自希腊语和拉丁语的词汇而进一步发展。Chocolate equals sin in most people's lexicon.在大多数人的词汇里,巧克力等同于罪恶。His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.他的词汇丰富,文法出众。Technical developments give us a lot of new vocabulary.技术的发展带给了我们大量新的词汇。By the age of two a child will have a vocabulary of about two hundred words.孩子到两岁时掌握的词汇大约有两百个。The structure of the vocabulary will be studied first in a quiescent state.首先将静态地研究词汇的结构。The Internet has given us a whole new vocabulary.互联网给我们提供了全新的词汇。If they disputed his allegation, Paul would rip into them with every foul word you could imagine.如果他们对他的陈述提出质疑,保罗会用你能想象得到的各种肮脏词汇攻击他们。I had an early fascination for words.我很早就对词汇非常着迷。These terms have infiltrated our vocabulary.这些术语已融入我们的词汇之中。E-marketing is the current buzzword.电子营销是现在的时髦词汇。All the dictionary examples are taken from a corpus of billions of words.字典中的所有例子都取自一个收录了数十亿词汇的语料库。The students do vocabulary/multiplication drills every Monday.学生每周一都要做词汇/乘法运算练习。Rachel already knows as many words in German as she does in English.雷切尔掌握的德语词汇已经和她掌握的英语词汇一样多了。Some words are too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion in the dictionary.有些词汇使用频率太低,不值得收入词典。We chose a few of the commonest lexical items in the languages.我们选取了各语言中最常见的几个词汇。Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter.做这一章末尾的词汇练习。Local languages were purged of Russian words.当地语言中的俄语词汇被清除了。Put the words in the right order to make a sentence.把词汇按正确顺序排列组成句子。His speech is immature, his vocabulary limited.他说话很幼稚,使用的词汇有限。Marie tried to find the right words to give shape to her ideas.玛丽试图找出恰当的词汇来表达自己的想法。He has a small vocabulary and is only able to express himself in a limited fashion.他的词汇贫乏,因此表达也有限。They have popularized, officialized and standardized the modern vocabulary.他们使现代词汇大众化,正式化,规范化了。These technical words mean nothing to me.我对这些技术词汇的意思一窍不通。 |