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词汇 诊所
例句 The clinic offers free advice on contraception.这家诊所免费提供有关避孕的咨询意见。We get a lot of walk-ins at the clinic.我们诊所有许多没预约就来看病的人。They staff the clinics with nurses.他们为诊所配备护士。The clinic has achieved some outstanding results.那家诊所取得了一些杰出的成果。Look for playgroup posters on the noticeboard at your GP's surgery.查找一下张贴在你们全科医师诊所公告栏里的幼儿游戏组海报。One protestor said he would have no qualms about bombing the clinic.一位抗议者称,他对炸毁诊所不会觉得不安。The college has communal dining rooms, nurseries and clinics.这所大学里有公共餐厅、托儿所和诊所The health clinic has again been caught violating patient confidentiality.这家诊所再一次被发现违反了为病人保密的协定。The new health promotion clinic will provide free check-ups.那家进行健康宣传活动的新诊所将提供免费体检。I am one of the diet clinic's success stories. 我是这家节食诊所的成功样板之一。He was most helpful in arranging for the doctor to take the clinic over.在安排那位医生接管诊所这件事上他帮了大忙。The clinic deals with a wide cross-section of society.诊所诊治社会上各种各样的人。I scanned Time magazine while waiting at the doctor's office.在医生的诊所等的时候,我翻看时代杂志。After years of alcoholism, he went to a clinic to dry out.酗酒多年后,他前往一家诊所戒酒。The clinic specializes in geriatric medicine.这家诊所专门治疗老年病。Results of tests carried out at this clinic are always strictly confidential.在这个诊所进行检验所得的结果总被严格保密。The clinic now maintains an adequate supply of vaccine so that it won't be caught with its pants down if there is a flu outbreak two years in a row.诊所现在保证了充足的疫苗供应,即便连续两年爆发流感也不会措手不及。The clinic provides free care for elderly and infirm people who lack health insurance.这家诊所免费照料年老体弱且无医保者。The clinic is required to inform the patient about possible alternative treatments.按照要求,诊所须告知病人有哪些可供选择的替代疗法。Charles was at the clinic recovering from an operation on his arm.查尔斯的胳膊动了手术,正在这家诊所进行康复治疗。Patients at the clinic pay on a sliding scale based on their income.病人在这家诊所看病是按照浮动费率制根据收入高低缴费。There are four physiotherapists on call at the sports injury clinic.在运动损伤诊所内有四名理疗师在值班。The clinic says it has been overwhelmed with requests.诊所声称前来问诊的病人让他们应接不暇。The doctor explained how the clinic operates.医生介绍了诊所的运作方式。The clinic provides a free supply of contraceptives upon request.诊所可以免费提供避孕药具。She works in a birth-control clinic.她在一家节育诊所工作。The clinic tailors its treatment to individual needs.那个诊所的治疗方法适合个别需要。The doctor's office is not taking any new patients.这位医生的诊所不再接收任何新病人。The city has proposed a plan to register all drug users at a special clinic.该市已提出一项计划,让所有的吸毒者到一家专科诊所作登记。The new doctor's practice was miles away from where I lived.新开的诊所离我住的地方有几英里远。The clinic is staffed by volunteers.诊所的工作人员都是志愿者。One of the doctors at the clinic specializes in dermatology.诊所的一名医生专治皮肤病。As soon as she returned home from her honeymoon, she resumed her medical duties at the clinic.她度完蜜月一回家就又回到诊所继续医疗工作了。His doctor is attached to the clinic. 他的医生属于这家诊所I temped in a doctor's office for a couple of months.我在一家诊所干了几个月的临时工。The average wait for an appointment at the clinic was eight weeks.诊所预约看病的平均等候时间是八个星期。The Harvey Clinic specializes in the treatment of alcohol-related problems.哈维诊所专治与酗酒有关的各类病症。Money will be directed primarily towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and machinery.资金将主要用于学校、诊所和机器设备的维护和修缮。A clinic for women would, by definition, deal with pregnancy and childbirth.妇科诊所据其定义负责处理妊娠和分娩事宜。The report caused needless anxiety to women who have attended the clinic.那份报告导致到过那诊所的妇女产生不必要的忧虑。




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