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The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.报告说酷刑普遍存在,政府军法外行刑也屡见不鲜。I had thought this was a medieval torture that had mercifully disappeared.我还以为这是中世纪的酷刑,早已令人庆幸地不复存在了。The law forbids cruel and unusual punishment. 法律禁止使用酷刑。The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture…被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。The brutal torture broke the prisoner who eventually confessed.酷刑制服了囚犯,使他终于招供。In the case of torture, the end can never justify the means.就酷刑而言,目的永远无法证明手段的正当性。The report concludes that military interrogators routinely use torture to find out what they want.报告得出结论,军事审讯人员例行公事式地使用酷刑获取他们想要的情报。It says torture and summary execution are common.那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。Thousands of people were tortured on the rack.数千人受过拉肢刑架的酷刑。Amnesty International chronicles cases of torture and mutilation.大赦国际组织按时间顺序记载了酷刑和暴力伤害事件。Amnesty is an organization that fights against torture and injustice.大赦国际是和酷刑与不义作斗争的组织。He belongs to a guerrilla group infamous for torture and plunder.他属于一个以酷刑和劫掠而臭名昭著的游击队组织。Torture was used and Fian confessed.用了酷刑菲安就招供了。Britain is conniving in torture.英国纵容酷刑。They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.他们声称实施了大屠杀和酷刑。He was found guilty of torture and other war crimes.他被判决犯有施用酷刑罪和其他战争罪行。They smarted for their sins.他们因罪行深重遭受了酷刑。The prisoners had been tortured and mutilated.犯人遭受了酷刑并被打致残。The torture involved repeated beatings and electric shock treatment.酷刑包括反复拷打和电击虐待。 |