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词汇 酬金
例句 The finder usually receives a reward.找到失物的人一般会有酬金In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free apartment and a small remuneration.我们会为看管者提供免费住宿的公寓和一小笔酬金,以示回报。We are willing to offer a small honorarium that we hope you will accept for judging the competition.我们愿意付一点微不足道的酬金,希望你能出任本场比赛的裁判。He received a generous remuneration for his services.他收到一笔丰厚的劳务酬金He also got a commission for bringing in new clients.他因拉到新客户还获得了酬金In my opinion, lawyers are overpaid and underworked.在我看来,律师酬金过高、工作过少。It's the small fry who are usually the last to get paid.小人物往往是最后才拿到酬金Transferred from Barcelona to Naples, Maradona signed a highly lucrative three-year contract.马拉多纳从巴塞罗那转会到那不勒斯,签了一份酬金很高的三年期合同。She was given generous remunerations for her work.她得到了丰厚的劳务酬金Top athletes enjoy rich rewards.顶级运动员享有丰厚的酬金The ambassador received a small honorarium for speaking at our meeting.大使因在我们的会议上演讲而收到了一小笔酬金She received a handsome reward for finding the wallet.她拾到钱包,得到了一大笔酬金I'm afraid I can't afford the doctor's fee.恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金We might offer you a small consideration for your services.我们可能会付一小笔酬金来答谢你的服务。She was paid generously to look after the children.她看孩子的酬金很高。He saw himself earning a fee for selling the place.他想象自己靠卖掉这个地方赚一笔酬金People skilled in these arts could command good fees for their services.精于这类技艺的人们提供的服务可获得高额酬金She offered to do the job for a small consideration.她主动提出做这项工作,并且酬金要求很低。All sorts of people I found were getting honoraria for various extra duties that they had assigned to them.我看到各种各样的人都因为承担他们所指派的各种额外工作而获得酬金The luggage workers kicked back half of their take to the hall porter.搬行李小工将所得的一半交给门厅行李工作为酬金He would, for a hefty fee, purvey strategic advice to private corporations.他会为了巨额酬金把战略性建议透露给私营公司。You have been paid for the full period of your employment with us.你整个受雇期的酬金我们已经全部付清。He received a recompense for his services.他收取一笔服务酬金He has forfeited a lucrative fee but feels his well-being is more important.他主动放弃了可观的酬金,觉得自己的健康更加重要。




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