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词汇 酷热
例句 I find the summer heat unbearable.我觉得夏天酷热难耐。The bacteria can withstand extremes of heat and cold.这种细菌能承受酷热和严寒。The cool room provided relief from the terrible heat outdoors.这个凉爽的房间可以挡一挡户外的酷热When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!当其他所有人都酷热难耐时,我却冻得够呛!The intense heat keeled her over.酷热使她晕倒了。The leaves had shrivelled up in the summer heat.在夏日的酷热之下,树叶枯萎了。The room was uncomfortably hot.这个房间酷热难耐。By the evening it had become unbearably hot.到了傍晚时分,天气已经变得酷热难耐。I was simply staggered by the heat of the Argentinian high-summer.阿根廷盛夏的酷热真让我大吃一惊。The heat at midday can be absolutely exhausting.正午的酷热绝对会令人精疲力竭。The heat and humidity were insufferable.酷热和潮湿令人难以忍受。Players tire easily in such intense heat.在这种酷热的天气里运动员容易感到疲劳。The door was beginning to buckle from the intense heat.门因为酷热开始变形了。That day the heat was unbearable.那天酷热难耐。We've had tropical weather for the past few days.我们过去几天遇上了酷热的天气。Seville is scorching in high summer.塞维尔的盛夏酷热难当。The mist had been replaced by a kind of haze that seemed to amplify the heat.薄雾散了,取而代之的是一种似乎更添酷热的烟霭。Day after day they toil in blistering heat.日复一日,他们在酷热中辛苦劳作。The desert landscape shimmered in the midday heat.沙漠中的景观在正午酷热的光照下闪闪发光。The rain brought blessed relief from the heat.那场及时雨把人们从酷热中解脱了出来。The plant is sensitive to extreme heat and cold.这种植物对酷热和严寒非常敏感。We toiled in the blistering heat with pick, spade, and crowbar.我们顶着酷热,用镐、锹和撬棍辛苦劳作。It's scorching outside.屋外酷热难耐。The leaves are inclined to scorch in hot sunshine.叶子在酷热的阳光下容易枯黄。I find this heat very enervating.这种酷热让我无精打采。The journalists and camera crews began to perspire in the heat as they stood waiting for the president to appear.记者和摄影师们在酷热中站着等候总统出现,热得都开始出汗了。Some plants are tolerant of extreme heat.有些植物能耐酷热The weeks of intense heat burned the crops to a crisp.几周的酷热把作物都晒焦了。It was a boiling hot day, and the kids were out playing in the pool.天气酷热难当,小孩子在外面的水池里玩耍。Everyone headed for the beach on that sweltering summer afternoon.在那个酷热的夏日午后,人人都奔向沙滩。Intense heat had created a completely barren landscape, almost like the moon.酷热造成了一片不毛之地,几乎就像月球上一样。The athletes are acclimatising to the heat by staying in Monte Carlo.运动员通过留驻蒙特卡洛来适应酷热He was sweating from the intense heat.高温酷热让他大汗淋漓。The temperature in the desert ranges between extremes of heat and cold.沙漠气温很极端,要么酷热,要么严寒。He beat the heat in a swimming pool.他泡在游泳池里躲避酷热She took refuge from the blistering heat by sitting in the shade by the front gate.她坐在前门的阴凉处躲避酷热The plastic liquefied in the intense heat.塑料在酷热下液化了。The heat was murderous and I had nothing to do.天气酷热难耐,而我又无事可做。The heat shriveled up the plant's leaves.酷热使植物的叶子打蔫了。They were unable to work in the blistering heat.他们无法在酷热的条件下干活。




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