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词汇 证词
例句 We must wait to hear his evidence before we make any judgement.我们必须等到听了他的证词再作判决。The case stands on the witness's testimony.此案要依据证人的证词来处理。He gave evidence to the court, weighing each word as he spoke.他字斟句酌地向法庭提供了证词The government decided that their testimony would be irrelevant to the case.政府认定他们的证词与案件不相关。The witness's testimony was not in concordance with the rest of the evidence.证人的证词和其他证据不符。Anything you say will be taken down, and may be used in evidence.你说的都会被记下,并有可能作为证词His testimony was thrown out by the judge.他的证词被法官否决了。People who had heard the evidence at the trial were surprised at the outcome.在审判过程中听取这一证词的人都对此结果感到吃惊。The lawsuit was lost because of discrepancies in the statements of the witnesses.由于证人提供的证词出现多处矛盾,官司败诉了。In his evidence, he admitted speeding.他在证词中承认自己超速行驶。The appeals court ruled that the testimony was unfairly prejudicial to the defendant.上诉法院裁定证词有失公允,对被告不利。Two facts stand out from her testimony.她的证词突出了两个事实。The court heard that he had been drinking.法庭听取的证词是他一直在喝酒。The witness contradicted herself when she insisted she could identify the thief even though she had said that the night was too foggy to see clearly.证人的证词自相矛盾:她一口咬定能够认出那个小偷,又说那晚大雾朦胧看不清楚。New evidence has called into question the testimony of this witness.新证据已经使人对这位证人的证词产生了怀疑。The jury heard evidence from his employees.陪审团听取了他的几位雇员的证词The facts of the situation belie his testimony.他的证词与实际情况不符。His testimony was tossed out by the judge.他的证词未被法官采纳。Two facts stick out from her testimony.她的证词凸显了两个事实。The judge accepted/rejected the testimony in toto.法官完全接受/拒绝了这一证词The eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony.目击者驳斥了早些时提出的证词The evidence was given under oath.这一证词是立过誓的。They are still too frightened to give evidence against their neighbours.他们仍然太害怕,不敢提供对邻居不利的证词Questions have been raised relative to your testimony.有人已就你的证词提出了质疑。The woman went to court to give evidence against her attacker.这名妇人上庭作出对她的攻击者不利的证词Barker's testimony is crucial to the prosecution's case.巴克的证词对控方的指控起到关键的作用。Witnesses are required to swear on the Bible before they testify.证人提供证词之前要手按《圣经》起誓。He made a witness statement to the police.他向警方提供了证词His account of the discovery of the body tallied with the testimony of his wife.他对如何发现尸体的陈述与他妻子的证词相吻合。Murrow's evidence was enough to convict Hayes of murder.默罗的证词足以证明海斯犯了谋杀罪。He was incriminated by an eyewitness who placed him at the scene of the crime.由于目击者提供看见他在犯罪现场的证词,他被牵连进案件。Some witnesses had testified against him.有些目击者的证词对他不利。This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.这名证人作了伪证,她的证词不可信。His testimony could put Drago away for life.他的证词足以使德拉戈被判终身监禁。His testimony was clearly a perversion of the truth.他的证词显然是对事实的歪曲。We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence.我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。The jury's decision must be based on the evidence heard in court.陪审团的裁决必须以法庭上听到的证词证据而定。The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defense.当庭的证词为裁定她是正当防卫而无罪提供了强有力的证据。The eyewitness's testimony proved he was guilty.目击者的证词证明他有罪。The company's lawyers tried to discredit her testimony.公司的律师企图质疑她的证词




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