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词汇 设置
例句 In Windows you can set up automatic updates.视窗系统可以设置自动更新。The boys made snares to catch rabbits.这些男孩子设置陷阱捕捉兔子。Demonstrators erected barricades in roads leading to the parliament building.示威者已经在通往议会大厦的道路上设置了路障。The government has installed some anti-graft measures.政府已经设置了一些反贪腐的措施。Police road blocks were seen as an attempt to restrict freedom of movement.警察设置的路障被看作是试图限制自由通行。Police cordoned off the street where the murder took place.警察在发生谋杀案的街上设置了警戒线。She just learned how to change the settings on her camera.她刚学会如何改变她的照相机的设置The program offers strong file encryption and multichoice ZIP compression.用这个程序可以设置安全系数很高的文件加密和多种打包压缩。The courses are designed to allow maximum flexibility.课程的设置具有最大的灵活性。Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to women's advancement.我们的新政策是要打破对女性晋升人为设置的障碍。They refused to have cruise missiles sited on their soil.他们拒绝在他们国土上设置巡航飞弹。Saturday morning sessions are for juniors only.周六早上的活动是为初级者特别设置的。The copier had been set for multiple copies.复印机已设置为多份复印。They've set up road blocks around the city.他们在城市各处设置了路障。The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。The city police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.该市警察设置了路障以检查过往车辆。The hotel's difficult to find because the road isn't signposted.由于这条路没有设置路标,所以这家旅馆很难找。In industry after industry, government bodies have erected bars to competition.政府机构在一个又一个行业中设置了障碍以阻止竞争。If your computer is unprotected, you're likely to get a virus.如果你的电脑没有设置保护程序,就很可能遭受病毒攻击。They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.他们给老手们设置一些不利条件,使经验较少的运动员可得到胜负可能性各占一半的机会。British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel.英国铁路公司不得不在隧道入口设置了一名信号员。Jenny scampered off in excitement to set up the game.珍妮兴奋得蹦蹦跳跳地去设置游戏。The setting of the thermostat that controls the central heating had been altered.控制中央供暖的恒温设置被人改动过了。Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们在许多主要的十字路口设置了路障。Did you change the defaults on your email set-up?你更改了电子邮件设置的默认值吗?Several countries imposed quotas on imports of Japanese cars.有些国家对进口日本汽车设置了配额。We will be pressing for a ceiling on business rate increases.我们将要求对交易率增长设置上限。The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.军队已在该地区所有干道上设置了检查站。The default is usually the setting that most users would probably choose.默认选项通常是大多数用户都会选择的设置The course is designed to help students with colour and composition.设置这门课程是为了指导学生如何运用色彩和构图。I'm not opposed to a core curriculum in principle, but I think requiring a foreign language is unrealistic.原则上我不反对设置基础课程,但我认为要求掌握一门外语是不现实的。A police cordon prevented the marchers from entering the main square.警察设置的警戒线阻止了游行者进入主广场。In spite of the watch set on the house, the thief escaped.尽管在那幢房子设置了岗哨,小偷还是逃跑了。 With these aims in mind, the school operates a broad-based curriculum.考虑到这些目标,学校设置的课程范围很广。Can you help me program my cell phone?你能帮我设置一下手机吗?A common way for companies to find new recruits is by taking a stand at a job exhibition.公司招人的常用方法是在招聘会上设置展台。I didn't realize programming the VCR would be so complicated.我不知道给录像机设置定时录制会那么麻烦。You can enter your own settings or use the defaults.你可以输入你自己的设置或使用默认设置I've programmed the video to come on at ten.我已经把这台录像机设置在十点钟开机。Money should be spent on compensatory programmes for deprived pre-school and infant-school children.钱应该花在为不能享有学前班和幼儿学校教育的儿童设置的补偿教育项目上。




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