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词汇 uttered
例句 She uttered a cry of pleasure/pain.她高兴/痛苦地叫了一声。When he heard the news, he uttered a sigh.听到这消息时,他叹了口气。He uttered little indecipherable sounds.他发出的声音很小,听不清楚。He uttered the oath with proper gravity. 他庄严地宣了誓。The officer uttered his commands with a snap.军官厉声发命令。She had never uttered a word of reproach.她一句责怪的话也没说。The remark was uttered sotto voce.说这话时声音很小。When she saw him she uttered a cry of surprise.看到他时,她惊讶地喊了出来。No charge of faithlessness ought to be lightly uttered.不可轻易地控告某人不贞。He uttered a snorting laugh.他发出一声带着鼻鼾的笑声。The wounded prisoner uttered a groan.受伤的囚犯发出一声呻吟。Each word he uttered was a knife in her heart.他说的每个字都让她心如刀割。She uttered a silent prayer.她默默地做了祈祷。She uttered a sound somewhere between joy and pain.她发出一种既不像快乐又不像痛苦的声音。The absurdities he uttered at the dinner party landed his wife in an awkward situation.他在宴会上讲的荒唐话使他太太陷入窘境。She never uttered a word all through.她直到最后也没说一句话。As she uttered these words she realized they sounded snide and insinuating.她说了这些话后,便意识到它们听上去好像含挖苦和影射意味。The fountains uttered glittering streams of water.喷泉喷射出一股股晶莹的水流。He uttered an oath and walked away.他咒骂了一句就走了。The victim uttered anguished cries.受害人发出痛苦的呼喊。These words were uttered spontaneously, without premeditation.这些话都是不假思索随口说出来的,没有经过事先斟酌。I have never uttered one word of untruth.我从未说过一句假话。Nobody's uttered a word to me about it.没有任何人向我提过这件事。He uttered a short prayer.他说了一段简短的祷词。He uttered blasphemies against life itself.他诅咒人生本身。He uttered an exclamation of surprise.他发出了一声惊叫。They uttered calumnies against him.他们恶言中伤他。The candidate uttered one or two canned one-liners, to small effect.竞选候选人说出一两句陈腐的俏皮话,然而效果缺缺。He has never uttered a single syllable about this subject.他还从未就这个话题说过什么。Troy uttered one last sentence.特洛伊说了最后一句话。The heifer uttered a peculiar cry with which female cattle preluded their fights.小母牛发出一声怪叫,母牛群就开始斗了起来。As soon as he'd uttered the words he regretted them.他话一说出口就后悔了。The directional microphone trained on Foresters Cottage could pick up every word uttered inside at several hundred yards.对准福雷斯特小屋的定向扩音器在几百码远的地方也能捕捉到里面的人所说的任何一句话。He uttered a sound that was something between a sigh and a groan.他发出一个声音,又像是叹气,又像是呻吟。She uttered her reply in a weak voice.她用微弱的声音给出了答复。She uttered the magic word, and the spell was broken.她说出咒语,魔法解除了。He uttered a vulgarity and was silent.他说了一句粗话,然后就不作声了。




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