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词汇 utilities
例句 I found that I had forgotten to pay the bills for utilities.我发现忘了付水电及瓦斯的费用。Water supplies and other public utilities were badly affected.供水以及其他公用事业受到了严重影响。Before digging, all excavators and homeowners are required to call the office to find out about underground utilities.开挖前,所有挖掘人员和房主必须致电办事处了解地下公用设备的相关情况。Many of these people are in danger of having their utilities shut off for nonpayment. 这些人当中有很多因为未缴费用而面临公用服务中断的危险。They've also slashed state subsidies to utilities and transportation.他们还大幅削减了对公共事业和交通运输的政府补贴。Government ownership of utilities should mean that gas and electricity costs are kept to a minimum.政府拥有公用事业应该意味着煤气费和电费保持在最低水平。Public utilities almost always make huge profits.政府拥有的公用事业几乎总能赚取巨额利润。Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes.公共事业公司挖路铺设管道。




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