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例句 She had made an utter fool of herself.她的所作所为十足就是个傻子。To my utter amazement, I was made managing director.令我万分惊讶的是我竟被任命为总经理。The movie was utter garbage.这部电影简直就是垃圾。She met an utter refusal.她遭到断然拒绝。Before I could utter a single syllable, she held up one warning finger.我还一声没出,她就举起手指警告。The scene after the explosion was one of utter devastation.爆炸过后的景象是百孔千疮。Wearing an expression of utter boredom, Harry turned back to his book.哈里脸上带着极为厌烦的表情,又回到自己的书本上去了。The government has shown complete/utter indifference to the struggles of organized labor.政府对有组织的工人抗争表现得一点也不关注。It is an absolute/utter disgrace that the city has ignored the problem for so long.市政府对这个问题忽略了那么长时间,绝对/完全是耻辱。The ship's interior was an utter shambles.船里面一片狼藉。She gazed at me in utter confusion.她全然不知所措地注视着我。The film exposes the utter horror of war.这部电影揭示了战争的极端恐怖。The wedding was a complete and utter disaster.这场婚礼绝对是一场灾难。I stared at him in utter disbelief.我目不转睛地看着他,不敢相信这是真的。What Charles was saying was utter tripe.查尔斯根本就是胡说八道。It's hard to believe that we were utter strangers just a few days ago.很难相信,就在几天前我们还素不相识。I have never heard my father utter a single profanity.我从未听到父亲说过一句脏话。His eyes betrayed his utter lack of sincerity.他的眼睛告诉我们他并无一丝一毫的诚意。Doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.医生们在极为混乱的现场夜以继日地工作。She didn't utter a syllable at the meeting.她在会上一言未发。The stories she told about him are sheer/utter/complete/absolute nonsense. 她讲的关于他的故事简直/完全/纯粹/绝对是一派胡言。The election turned out to be a complete/utter farce. 这次选举变成了一场彻头彻尾的闹剧。She gave me a look of complete/utter incomprehension.她茫然地看了我一眼。To my utter consternation, he burst into tears.令我惊恐万分的是,他突然哭了起来。But let's put this in context. First of all, Shane wasn't the only celebrity to utter obscenities on the night of the awards.但让我们全面地来看一下这个问题。首先,沙恩不是颁奖典礼那晚唯一一位爆粗口的名人。Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.尼尔说陈词滥调的能事总是让我感到惊讶。She stared at them both in utter confusion.她盯着他俩,完全不知所措。To their utter disappointment they found nothing.令他们彻底失望的是他们未发现任何东西。He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.他查看了下面彻底遭到破坏的情形。Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence.为了报复,克里斯蒂给他朋友寄了一封长信,细述卡尔完全不称职。We all watched in utter amazement.我们都万分惊讶地看着。The battle/election was a complete and utter rout.那次战役/选举一败涂地。A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。I felt a complete and utter fool.我觉得自己是一个十足的傻瓜。To my utter despair, the car would not start.让我彻底绝望的是,车子发动不了。By any measurement, our corrections program is an utter failure.不管怎么看,我们的改造计划完全是失败。He didn't utter a single sound throughout the meeting.会上从头到尾他一言不发。You're talking utter poppycock.你这是一派胡言。I didn't know I'd killed him. I was in a daze, a total and utter daze.我都不知道我把他杀了。我陷入了迷茫之中,完全彻底的迷茫之中。He didn't dare utter a peep.他不敢出一点儿声。




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