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These marks don't erase easily, I'm afraid.这些记号恐怕不容易擦掉。Don't turn back the corner of the page to mark your place.别折书角来作读到哪里的记号。He ticked the items that were delivered one by one.他把业已交付的物品逐项作了记号。Nobody really knows what the marks on the ancient stones signify.没人真正知道那些古代石头上的记号代表什么含义。The teacher marked the absent students on her list with crosses.老师在名单上旷课学生的名字旁边打叉做了记号。Mark off each of the names on the list as I call them out.我每叫到一个名字你就在名单上标个记号。Mark the pieces so that you put them back the right way round.把零件做好记号,以便正确地装回去。He left a sign for us to see.他为我们留下了记号。The cancellation often indicates location and date.注销记号常常标有注销地点和日期。He ticked the items delivered one by one.他把交付的物品一项项作了记号。He had marked the route on the map in red .他用红色记号在地图上标出了路线。The place is marked on the map with a cross.在地图上那个地方用十字形记号标出。I put a mark where you need to sign.我在需要你签字的地方做了一个记号。He marked his place with a piece of paper.他用一张纸条在阅读中止的地方做了个记号。He made marks with a pencil.他用铅笔做了记号。I've put a mark on the map where I think we should go for a picnic.我在地图上作了个记号,标出了我认为我们应该去野餐的地方。He put a tick beside each word in the glossary that he had learned by heart.他在词表中每一个已熟记的生词旁做个记号。Churches are designated on the map by crosses.地图上教堂以十字形记号标出。The trail was marked with yellow blazes.那条小路有刻在树上的黄色记号做路标。Count up how many ticks are in each box.数一下每个方格里有多少打钩记号。The records have been marked for deletion.这些记录都已标上了删除记号。I've marked the pages you need to look at.我在你需要阅读的那几页上作了记号。Anthropologists are still trying to decipher the runes found in the grave.人类学家们仍然在尽力破译在这个坟墓里发现的神秘记号。Read the text through and mark off the sections you find particularly applicable.把这篇文章通读一遍,并将你认为特别适用的部分做上记号。Someone had spray-painted gang insignia on his car.有人在他的汽车上喷了一个黑帮记号。The marks are in faint gold, and hardly visible.记号是淡金黄色的,几乎看不见。He used a sharp blade to score the glass.他用锋利的刀片在玻璃上画记号。Put a mark by the names of the most interesting candidates.在最有趣的候选人名字旁边作个记号。He put a tick opposite each job that was done on his list.他在表格上的每一项已完成的工作旁做个记号。 |