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例句 A pullback in the pound from morning highs contributed to the gilts' weakness.英镑价格从早晨高点的下滑造成了金边证券的疲软。A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the U.S.经济发展停滞不前,加之青少年人数激增,可能是美国犯罪率上升的部分原因。The West has contributed to the immense amount of suffering in underdeveloped countries.西方世界给欠发达国家带来了巨大的痛苦。A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the US.经济停滞不前,加上青少年人数激增,可能是导致美国犯罪率上升的原因之一。The brother and sister contributed to their mother's support.兄妹合力赡养母亲。He contributed generously to the Red Cross.他对红十字会慷慨捐助。Enya's success has contributed substantially to the current interest in Celtic music.恩雅的成功极大地引发了时下人们对凯尔特音乐的兴趣。All of them have contributed out of their abundance.他们所有人都从个人财富中拿出一些捐赠出来。Science has contributed much to modern technology.科学对现代技术作出了很大贡献。It is thought that the pilot's negligence may have contributed to the disaster.有人认为飞行员的疏忽可能是造成这次空难的原因之一。Division of opinion among themselves contributed to their defeat.他们之间的意见分歧促使了他们的失败。She has contributed greatly to our success.她对我们的成功贡献很大。She contributed greatly to the advancement of the new organization.她极大地促进了新机构的发展。An embroidered silk waistcoat contributed to his dandified appearance.身上的丝绸绣花马甲让他看起来更像纨绔子弟了。Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success.首先,我要感谢对这次成功作出贡献的每一个人。They contributed mightily to the cause.他们为这项事业做出了巨大贡献。Many leading charities have contributed to the debate on world poverty.许多主要慈善团体都参加了有关世界贫困问题的讨论。Mr Lee contributed a great deal to the research.李先生对这项研究贡献颇多。His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease.他的研究对我们认识这一疾病贡献很大。I want to thank each and every person who has contributed to this project.我要感谢为这个项目做出贡献的每一个人。You might be able to reclaim some of the money you contributed.你也许能够要回你的一些捐款。Harry hinted that his friendship with Mona might have contributed to his marriage break-up.哈里暗示说,他和莫娜的友情可能促成了自己婚姻的破裂。The authors extend their sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the book.作者向对促成该书的所有人致以诚挚的谢意。He never contributed anything of worth to the conversation.交谈中他从没有说过任何有价值的话。An increase in the price of drugs has contributed to the rising cost of medical care.药品价格的上涨导致了医疗保健费用提高。He contributed half of his savings to the relief fund.他将积蓄的一半捐献给救济基金会。Lack of space forbids listing the names of all those who contributed.由于篇幅所限,无法列出所有捐款人的姓名。Traders said several factors contributed to Nasdaq's weakness.证券商称纳斯达克指数低迷有几个因素。I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to the hospital appeal.我想对响应医院的呼吁作出捐献的各位表示感谢。The volunteers contributed their time towards cleaning up the city.志愿者们为清洁城市奉献出了他们的时间。The Song dynasty contributed three inventions to world civilization.宋朝为世界文明作出了三大发明的贡献。The president struck back at critics who say he should be held accountable for conditions that contributed to the riots.一些批评家指出总统应对导致骚乱局面的情形负责,总统对此予以驳斥。Her research has contributed importantly to our understanding of the disease.她的研究对我们认识这种疾病很有帮助。They contributed tactlessly to a general discontent.他们很不策略地造成普遍的不满。Heavy drinking contributed to her death. 酗酒促使了她的死亡。This has contributed to the lack of confidence in the police.这加剧了人们对警方的不信任。They have never contributed in any meaningful way to our civilization.他们从来没有给我们的文明作过任何有益的贡献。Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent's economic crisis.自然灾害显然是导致该大陆爆发经济危机的原因之一。Each contributed to victory in his degree.每人以自己的方式为获取胜利作出贡献。Individual members of the cast contributed greatly to the show's success.每位演职人员都为演出的成功作出了巨大的贡献。




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