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例句 During the discussions MacDonald seemed to be listening, but he had nothing to contribute.讨论时麦克唐纳似乎在听,但并没有提出意见。This led to an overestimation of what conceptual thinking could contribute to practical life.这导致人们高估了概念式思考对实际生活可能产生的影响。He had very little to contribute to the conversation.他在这次谈话中几乎什么也没说。Students are encouraged to contribute articles to the university magazine.学生们受到鼓励向大学的杂志投稿。Oftentimes a company will contribute toward an employee's moving expenses.在许多情况下,雇主会为雇员提供移居的费用。Higher education can contribute to civic engagement.高等教育能够促进公民参与。Amity between the two nations will contribute to the prosperity of the region.这两个国家之间的和睦友好有助于这一地区的繁荣。I would like to contribute to the church restoration fund.我愿向教堂修缮基金捐款。She stayed the whole hour but didn't contribute any ideas.她待了整整一个小时,但没提出任何想法。Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.要是你觉得有什么要讲的就来开会吧。I was asked to contribute a piece to a newspaper article making predictions for the new year.我受邀为一份报纸撰写一篇新年展望的文章。The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction.自动装配线是造成雇员不满情绪的典型环境。You need not feel obliged to contribute.你不必觉得非捐款不可。Demographic variables have been shown to contribute the most variance in student delinquency.经证实,人口统计变量是构成学生犯罪差异的最大变量。We're trying to raise money for a new school, and we're hoping that everyone will contribute.我们正在努力为新学校募集资金,希望大家都来捐款。The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.公司公开致歉,并答应给慈善组织捐款。The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.志愿者把自己的时间花在这个计划上。The company has enlisted some of its long-serving artists to contribute to the album.公司找了几位长期为其服务的歌手来为这张专辑出力。A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.有一种常见的室内真菌会引起病态建筑综合征。Every parent is asked to contribute a proportion of the total cost.要求每位家长都捐献一部分费用。Soaring land prices contribute to the high cost of housing.飞速上涨的土地价格促使房价居高不下。One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.编写人种志的目的之一是促进对人类的了解。Readers are invited to contribute their opinions on any of the issues discussed here.读者被邀请对这里讨论的任何话题发表意见。Several factors might contribute to the development of the disease.几个因素可能对病情的发展有影响。That stingy man won't contribute a cent.那个吝啬鬼一分钱也不肯捐助。The three sons also contribute to the family business.这三个儿子也为家族企业出了资。He burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism.他絮絮叨叨地说起那些对旅游业作出贡献的奇人。They say they would like to contribute more to charity.他们说愿意为慈善事业捐助更多的资金。Many wealthy businessmen contribute to political parties.许多富有的商人为政党出力。This will contribute directly to the strength of the economy.这将直接增强经济实力。The recent cut in funding will only contribute to the hospital's financial plight.最近这次削减经费只会加剧这家医院的财政困难。A short lingual frenulum may contribute to feeding, speech, and mechanical tongue problems.舌系带短小可能造成吞咽、语言和舌头机械运动方面的障碍。Some food additives may contribute to cancer.有些食物添加剂会导致癌症。AIDS kills mostly the young population of a nation. These are the people who contribute most to a country's economic development.死于艾滋病的主要是一个国家的年轻人,而正是这些人对国家经济发展贡献最大。They say they would like to contribute more to charity, but money is tight this year.他们说他们很想捐献更多的钱支持慈善事业,但是今年的钱非常紧张。A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the people's well-being.改善供水会大大有益于人们的生活安康。He usually poor-mouths when it's his turn to contribute.轮到要他捐钱时,他常常哭穷。I cannot usefully contribute to this debate.这场辩论我帮不上什么忙。He didn't contribute to the meeting.他没有好好参与到此次会议中来。NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation.北约官员同意为此次行动投入军队和武器装备。




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