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词汇 contribution
例句 You must be prepared to make a positive contribution to the business.你必须准备为企业作出积极的贡献。He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the British cinema.他因对英国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。Everyone ignored my sole contribution to the conversation.就我一个人在说话,大家都不理睬我。Her contribution to the project was close to zero. 她对这个项目几乎没什么贡献。If we all make a contribution, we'll be able to get him something really nice.如果我们大家都凑点钱,就可以给他买一样很好的东西。The invention of paper was a great contribution to human civilization.纸的发明是对人类文明的一大贡献。His contribution is immeasurable.他的贡献无法衡量。Does your boss constantly belittle your contribution to the department?你的老板经常轻视你对部门的贡献吗?She has made an exceptionally useful contribution to the debate.她为辩论作出了极大贡献。Muriel has made a valuable contribution to our company's success.缪里尔为我们公司的成功作出了宝贵的贡献。His contribution was to equip her for the world in which she would live.他的贡献是使她能够在这个世界上生存。He made an important contribution to the debate.他为这场辩论提供了重要的捐资。Her book is a useful contribution to our understanding of how Mozart worked.她的书对于我们了解莫扎特是如何工作的大有帮助。The Council's contribution towards the upkeep of the church is very much appreciated.非常感谢市议会对于教堂的保养所作的贡献。He said his little piece and then made no further contribution to the discussion.他谈了些自己的意见后便没有对这次讨论再说什么。His contribution was very great. It can never rust away.他的贡献极大,将永垂不朽。Her contribution to the project was undervalued.她对此项工程的贡献被低估了。It was with ill grace that he acknowledged our contribution.他只是勉强承认了我们的贡献。Their contribution will prove a hard act to follow.他们的贡献将令后来者难望项背。Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory.爱因斯坦因对量子论的贡献而获授诺贝尔奖。Families could use the money as a contribution towards the cost of sending their children to a public school.这些家庭可以把这笔钱当作捐款,用于支付送孩子们上公立学校的费用。His contribution to the team's success has been immense.他为这支队伍的成功作出了重大的贡献。They're always trying to devalue my contribution to the department.他们总是想方设法贬低我对该部门的贡献。The generous response of the public to the disaster puts the government's contribution somewhat in the shade.公众对这次灾难的慷慨反应使得政府的捐助有点黯然失色。Their contribution to the fund was insubstantial.他们对基金的捐助不多。All the money has been raised by voluntary contribution.所有这些钱都是靠自愿捐献筹集的。He was expected to make a very positive contribution to the organization of the Games.人们期待他为奥运会的组织工作作出非常积极的贡献。The chairman paid tribute to the team's contribution to professional baseball.主席称赞了球队对职业棒球所做出的贡献。She makes a charitable donation/contribution every year.她每年都做慈善捐赠。With thanks to English Nature for their generous contribution of selected images used in this publication.感谢英国自然署为这本出版物慷慨贡献的精美图片。Peter Mumford's lighting and David Freeman's direction make a crucial contribution to the success of the staging.彼得·芒福德的灯光和戴维·弗里曼的导演对演出的成功功不可没。I'd like to thank our sponsors for their generous contribution.我要感谢赞助商们的慷慨解囊。The scientist made a great contribution to humankind.这位科学家为人类作出了一项伟大的贡献。Her contribution to horticulture was recognized when a new rose was named after her.一种新品种玫瑰以她的名字命名,以嘉奖她对园艺学的贡献。The importance of Herschel's contribution is generally recognized.赫舍尔所做贡献的重要性是大家公认的。Will you give us some contribution?你能给我们投稿吗? The rate of contribution to the pension plan is the same for all employees, regardless of age.养老金计划的供款额不分年龄,所有员工都相同。She has received no official acknowledgement of her contribution to the fund.她给这笔基金捐款,却没有得到过正式的致谢。Nuclear power makes a valuable contribution to the environment by curbing carbon dioxide emissions.核能抑制二氧化碳的排放,对环境作出了宝贵的贡献。The money was raised by voluntary contribution.这笔钱是通过自愿捐款募集来的。




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