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词汇 记不起
例句 I cannot remember the geography of the ship.记不起那艘船的布局了。He says he has no recollection of what happened. 他说他记不起发生了什么事情。I can't remember where I last saw it.记不起最近一次是在哪里看见的。Her name escapes me.记不起她的名字了。He did not remember his sister at all, except as a tiny, feeble baby.在他的印象中妹妹只是个弱小的婴儿,除此之外他什么也记不起了。I was going to phone you, but I couldn't remember your number.我想给你打电话,可记不起你的电话号码。She wrote a book on somebody famous but I can't remember who.她写过一本有关某位名人的书,但我记不起是谁 了。He came to a few minutes later, unable to remember anything about the accident.几分钟过后他渐渐苏醒过来,完全记不起那场事故。If you don't remember your password, you'll cause yourself a lot of inconvenience.要是记不起密码的话,你麻烦就大了。He searched his memory but couldn't recall where he'd seen her before.他尽量回忆,但记不起以前在哪里见过她。I know I saw it somewhere, but I can't remember exactly where.我知道在某个地方看见过它,但记不起到底是在哪儿。Sorry, I don't remember your name. 对不起,我记不起你的名字了。I can't think what his phone number is.记不起他的电话号码是多少。A self-confessed workaholic, Tony Richardson can't remember when he last had a holiday.承认自己是工作狂的托尼·理查德森都记不起上次休假是什么时候了。I can't remember his name - it'll come to me in a minute.记不起他的名字了——过一会儿就会想起来的。I can't remember where I put my keys.记不起把钥匙放在哪儿了。He barely remembered anything she had said that day.他简直记不起那天她说了些什么。I suddenly had a mental block and couldn't remember his name.我突然脑子短路,记不起他的名字了。I can't recall the occasion, but I've met her before.我以前碰到过她,但记不起在哪个场合。I haven't seen him for years. In fact, I can't even remember what he looks like.我好多年没有见过他了。实际上,我甚至记不起他的模样。I can't remember the last time I got drunk.记不起最后一次喝醉是什么时候了。I've searched my memory, but I can't remember that man's name.我想了又想,可是记不起那个人的名字。He can't remember where he put the tickets.记不起把票放在哪儿了。It's always awkward when you meet someone you know but you can't remember their name.遇到你认识的人但却记不起他们的名字总会让人很尴尬。I know this song but I can't call the title to mind.我知道这首歌,但记不起歌名。Why can't I remember the exact year we married?.为什么我记不起我们结婚的准确年份了?I can't remember how the story goes. 记不起这故事的情节了。You say you cannot remember that event. Well, let me give you a lead.你说你记不起那件事了,好吧,我来提示你一下。I was so humiliated when I couldn't remember her name.当我记不起她的名字时,我感到丢脸极了。His memory was completely blank on the subject.对这个题目他完全记不起什么了。Brad doesn't remember much about his mother because she died when he was small.布拉德记不起多少有关他母亲的事,因为她去世时他还很小。I can't remember the name of the book, but if you're interested I can find out.记不起书名了,不过你要是感兴趣的话,我可以找出来。I can't remember his name.记不起他的名字了。I was so bombed, I can't even remember half of what I did.我醉得都记不起自己干了些什么。I can't remember what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted!讲话被粗鲁地打断后,我记不起自己先前在说什么了!I'm sure I've seen him before, but I just can't place him.我确信我曾见到过他,但就是记不起他是谁来。She misplaced her keys so often that her secretary used to carry spare ones for her.她经常记不起她的钥匙放在哪儿了,因而她的秘书常为她带着备用钥匙。I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.我搜肠刮肚想了一整天,却怎么也记不起她的名字来。I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the title.我看过她的一本书,不过记不起书名了。I can't remember how many times I've been to New York.记不起去过纽约多少次了。




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