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We close the office at noon on Fridays.我们每星期五中午关闭办事处。They reckoned that they would reach their destination by noon.他们估计正午前会到达目的地。Come on, it's noon, let's roll.快点,都中午了,我们开始干吧。We'll be arriving around noon. That's assuming that our flight is on time.我们大约中午到,假如飞机准点的话。He promised to meet her at the hotel at noon.他答应中午在宾馆和她碰头。The meeting will end no later than noon. 会议最迟中午结束。The event is scheduled to occur at noon tomorrow.这项赛事预定在明天中午进行。The accident happened a little before noon.事故是在中午前一会儿发生的。The merchandise will arrive by truck at noon.货物将在中午用卡车送到。At noon, we laid down the rakes and rested for a while.中午,我们放下耙子,休息了一会儿。We are approaching high noon of the election campaign.这场选举的决定性时刻快要到了。They sailed into the large stack of mail and disposed of it before noon.他们劲头十足地着手处理那一大堆信件,在中午前就全部处理完毕了。The bank closes at noon on Saturdays.银行周六中午停业。I'll plan to pick you up at noon. How does that sound? 我准备中午去接你,怎么样?You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon, and night.日复一日不间断地做这个运动可以让你身体健康。It's been raining morning, noon, and night since we arrived.从我们到达后天从早到晚下雨。She works morning, noon, and night.她夜以继日地工作。She anchors a 45-minute news show at noon.她每天中午主持四十五分钟的新闻广播。The meeting will tie me up until noon.会议将把我缠住,要到中午才能脱身。 We should arrive by noon at the latest. 我们最迟应该在中午到。It looked like high noon for the nation's movie theaters in the age of the home video.在这家庭影院大行其道的时代,这对国内的电影院来说似乎是个关乎生死存亡的关键时刻。He checked his watch and saw that it was almost noon.他看了看手表,发现快到中午了。I should be finished work by noon. Would you like to get together then?到中午我应该把工作做完了。到时候你愿意聚一聚吗?The meeting began in the morning and finished/ended at noon.会议在上午开始,中午结束。A nap at noon always refreshes me.中午小睡一回总使我精神振作。We arrived in St Louis at noon, and took a walk down by the Mississippi River.我们中午到达圣路易斯,然后沿着密西西比河散步。She figures to finish by noon.她或许在中午之前可以完成。We got to the train station at noon with time to spare.我们中午就到了火车站,距开车还有一段时间。She rolled out of bed just before noon.她快到中午了才起床。The programme is broadcast at noon.这档节目在中午广播。By noon they had consumed all of their food supplies.到中午时他们已经吃光了所有储备的食物。The ceremony is due to begin at noon.典礼预定中午开始。Perhaps as it is so close to noon, you would do me the honour of having lunch with me.很快到中午了,不知道你能不能赏光和我一起吃个饭。The conference chairman has set a deadline of noon tomorrow.会议主席将明天中午定为截止日期。I'm always really hungry by noon.我到了中午总是很饿。The noon meal was carried out to the fields where the harvesters were working.午饭被送到了田地里,人们正在那里收割庄稼。We need to leave by noon at the latest.我们最晚要在正午离开。It seems like we've been going to meetings morning, noon, and night lately.最近我们好像一天到晚都在开会。You get fit by playing the game, day in, day out, morning, noon and night.从早到晚都坚持做这项运动,日复一日,你就能强壮起来。By noon the beach was teeming with people.快到中午时海滩上已是人头济济。 |