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词汇 no-one
例句 The trouble is, there's no-one here who really understands computers.问题是这里没人真正懂电脑。It's lucky that no-one was hurt.所幸的是没有人受伤。I've no-one to blame but myself – I went into this deal with my eyes open.我没有人可以责怪,只能怨自己 — 我是明明知道做这笔交易的后果的。Jake went down to the bar, but there was no-one around that he knew.杰克去了酒吧,但是周围一个人都不认识。It's puzzling that no-one saw her leave.令人费解的是没有人看见她离开。It was hard for her, going to live in a strange city where she knew no-one.也真难为她了,跑到一个陌生的城市去住,在那里一个人都不认识。How much was fact and how much fancy no-one knew.几多虚实,无人知晓。She could hear voices inside, but no-one came to the door.她能听到里面有说话声,但没人来开门。It's a blessing no-one was badly hurt.所幸没有人受重伤。It amazes me that no-one has thought of the idea sooner.我很奇怪,怎么没有人早点想到这个办法。We've been running round in circles trying to get the information we need, but no-one will tell us anything.我们徒劳地试图找到需要的信息,但是没有任何人愿意告诉我们。It is extremely fortunate that there was no-one in the building when the bomb went off.非常幸运,炸弹爆炸时大楼内没有人。The guest list was very short, so no-one felt slighted because they hadn't been invited.客人名单很短,所以没有人因为自己没被邀请而觉得受了冷落。Don't worry; no-one is going to check up on you.别担心,没人会监督你的。Sally hung around for over an hour but no-one came.萨莉空等了一个多小时,但一个人也没来。Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend.托什是出了名的天不怕地不怕,但是他明显被他的女朋友驯服帖了。If it hadn't been in the newspapers, no-one would even know about it.要不是登在报纸上,甚至都不会有人知道它。It was a unique achievement - no-one has ever won the championship five times before.这是一项独有的成就—以前从未有人五次获得冠军。Actually, no-one has legs of exactly equal length.实际上,没有人的两条腿是一模一样长的。Come on, fess up - you must have been the one who told her because no-one else knew!得了,老实交代吧—一定是你告诉她的,别人都不知道这事!James talks so much that no-one else gets a look-in.詹姆斯说得太多了,其他人都没有插话的机会。They nicked off down the pub while no-one was looking.他们趁人不备从酒馆里溜走了。Five cars crashed into each other, but amazingly no-one was hurt.五辆汽车相撞,但奇怪的是竟然没有人受伤。What really shocked me was that no-one seemed to care about all the beggars.令我感到震惊的是,这么多乞丐,好像没有人去关心他们。In our class, no-one failed.我们班没人考试不及格。An officer said no-one had intruded into the space he was defending.一个军官说没有人闯入他防守的地方。Friends and neighbors hunted everywhere, but no-one could find the child.朋友和邻居到处都找遍了,但没有人能找到那孩子。There was no-one in the office - they were all having lunch.办公室里没有人—大家都去吃午饭了。There was no-one at the reception desk, so he pressed a bell for service.前台一个人也没有,于是他就按了服务铃。I get so lonesome here with no-one to talk to.我在这里连说说话的人都没有,非常寂寞。An occasional gunshot can still be heard, but no-one knows who fires them.仍能听到零星的枪声,但是没有人知道是谁开枪。Meredith looked around - there was no-one in sight.梅雷迪斯四处张望—看不到一个人。Fortunately, there was no-one in the office when the fire started.失火的时候幸好办公室里没人。The emergency services said it was miraculous that no-one was seriously injured.紧急服务中心说居然没有人严重受伤,这是奇迹。I rang the doorbell but no-one answered.我按了门铃,但是没人开门。Americans love their cars, and no-one is going to persuade them to give them up.美国人热爱汽车,没有人打算说服他们放弃。They were driving much too fast. It's incredible that no-one was hurt.他们开车开得太快了,让人难以相信居然没有人受伤。The problem is that no-one knows what will happen.问题是没人知道将会发生什么。Don't you think it's puzzling that no-one noticed them leave?你不认为没有人注意到他们离开是令人费解的吗?I am no-one's spokesman, much less his.我不为任何人代言,更别说是为他了。




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