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词汇 要找
例句 The person we are looking for must be flexible, creative, and able to assimilate new ideas.我们要找的人必须灵活,富有创造力,能够很快地吸收新思想。I called up their website, but it didn't have the information I was looking for.我进入了他们的网站,但上面没有我要找的信息。We must get someone to fix that wheel.我们一定要找人修修那个轮子。Finding the perfect house was easier said than done.要找到十全十美的房子谈何容易哟。Finding out which file you want can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.要找出你要哪份文件犹如大海捞针。You knew that they were gunning for you, but did you ever imagine that it would be as bad as this?你知道他们要找你的麻烦,但是你是否想过他们会做出如此卑劣的事情?Someone wants to speak to Professor Welch, but I can't find him. Would you take the call for him please.有人打电话来要找韦尔奇教授,但我找不到他,你来替他接一下好吧。The person I wanted to speak to wasn't available, so the operator put my call on hold.要找的那个人暂时不在,接线员叫我等一下。She's precisely the kind of person we're looking for.她正是我们要找的那种人。Experiment is necessary to find a treatment that suits you.要找出适合你的治疗方法得靠试验才行。This is what we've been trying hard to find; now we're getting somewhere.这正是我们一直要找的东西;现在我们总算有些进展了。We're looking for people who have experience rather than paper qualifications.我们要找有经验的人,而不是有文凭的人。The governor was looking for a fall guy to take the blame for the corruption scandal.州长要找替罪羊为贪污丑闻承担责任。It is almost impossible to find a lawyer that isn't a shyster.要找一位诚实的律师几乎是不可能的。I am going to ask the boss for a raise.要找老板要求加薪。For a job that pays well, you could do worse than become a lawyer.要找一份报酬丰厚的工作,当律师就相当不错。If anyone asks for me, tell them I'm busy.如果有人要找我,告诉他们我很忙。He glared round the room as if expecting a challenge.他怒目环视房间,那样子就像要找茬儿。The man you're looking for could be Keith, but I'm not certain.要找的人可能是基思,但我不能肯定。As soon as I met him, I knew he was the right one for me.我一见他就知道,他就是我要找的人。We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.我们要找一个有明确目标的人。As well as a good academic record, I look for people who've climbed mountains or been captain of a team.要找的人除了学习成绩优异之外,还需要有登山经验或担任过球队队长。The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it.团体度假的好处在于,要找人陪伴非常容易,想要独处也行。When choosing a baby-sitter, look for someone both you and your child feel comfortable with.选择保姆时,要找一个让你和孩子都感觉舒服自在的人。It's hard to find good help these days.近来要找到得力帮手是很困难的。Anything new or peculiar puts us upon the lookout to detect a possible absurdity.任何新奇的事物一出现,我们总想要找找有没有不合情理之处。Finding a dentist on a Sunday can be very difficult.星期天要找牙医会很困难。I'm having the carpets laid today.我今天要找人来铺地毯。A spokesman stressed the police's determination to find the girl's killer.一位发言人强调了警方要找到杀害女孩的凶手的决心。It's not always easy to find a job after you've done time.出狱后要找到工作可不容易。If you travel to isolated areas, make sure you have a good guide.如果你到偏僻的地区去旅行,一定要找个好向导。He just wandered in one day and asked for a job.有一天,他转悠到这儿来要找一份工作。I'll just flick through the pages until I find the right section.我会快速地翻页,直到找到要找的那一部分。We're going to find a restaurant and buy a meal. That's Plan A.我们要找一家餐馆吃饭,这是第一方案。My hope of getting some employment was extinct.要找到工作的希望落空了。We'll need to find an appropriate place to store the fuel.我们要找一个合适的地方贮藏燃料。He promised to chase them up and make them pay.他承诺要找到他们,并且让他们付出代价。We're looking for someone with a rational approach to dealing with problems.我们要找一个能以理性的态度处理问题的人。These drawers are so untidy - I can never find what I'm looking for.这些抽屉这么乱一我总是找不到要找的东西。It was hard to find a suitable location for the desert scenes.要找合适的外景地拍摄沙漠镜头很困难。




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