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He became involved in an ugly exchange with Simon.他与西蒙大吵了一场。I asked Simon to oil my back for me.我让西蒙帮我在背上抹油。When Simon heard the news, he burst into tears.西蒙听到这个消息时放声大哭。I couldn't believe Simon had snubbed me at the party.我真不敢相信西蒙在宴会上竟对我不理不睬。I was steeling myself to call round when Simon arrived.我正下决心准备去拜访时,西蒙来了。The gardening is Simon's department.园艺工作由西蒙负责。As usual, Simon affected complete boredom.和平时一样,西蒙装出无聊之极的样子。Simon searched his mind but couldn't come up with the answer.西蒙绞尽脑汁但想不出答案。Simon thankfully slipped off his uniform and relaxed.西蒙满怀庆幸地迅速脱下制服,放松了下来。Her gaze followed Simon's through the archway.她的目光随着西蒙的视线穿过拱门。You get ten out of ten for effort, Simon.你非常努力,这一点要给你打满分,西蒙。Simon was rushed to hospital after eating what must have been dodgy prawns.西蒙吃了肯定已变质的对虾后被紧急送进医院。Simon Short, running for Scotland, is in the lead as they come round the final bend.代表苏格兰队参加赛跑的西蒙·肖特在最后一个转弯处领先。Simon's washing his car again - that man's certifiable!西蒙又在洗车——他那个人脑子有病!Simon had been away a good deal lately.西蒙最近经常出门。That Simon seems like a decent bloke.那个叫西蒙的看上去像个不错的家伙。Simon held his breath and dived under the surface.西蒙屏住呼吸,潜入水中。The show opened with a video montage of Simon and Garfunkel.节目一开始播放了西蒙和加芬克尔以蒙太奇手法剪辑的录像短片。Simon could knock a man unconscious with one punch to the jaw.西蒙一拳打在下巴上就能把人击昏。I have very little contact with Simon now.我和西蒙现在很少联系。She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.她正根据他的口述记录西蒙·福曼的日记。Simon's been asked to adjudicate at the fruit and flower show.西蒙已获邀在水果花卉展上当评委。Initially, they were wary of Simon.一开始他们提防着西蒙。This needn't take long, Simon.西蒙,这花不了多长时间。Simon took out a long cigar and lit it elegantly.西蒙拿出一支长长的雪茄,优雅地点燃了。There's no one suitable to take Simon's place when he leaves.西蒙离开后,没有合适的人能取代他的位置。Simon's initial feeling when he heard about the wedding was surprise.西蒙最初听说这次婚礼时颇感意外。Simon's a whizz at card games.西蒙是纸牌高手。He'd spoken to Simon that morning of his impending marriage.那个早上他已经对西蒙讲过他即将结婚的事了。Simon has obtained early release from prison.西蒙获准提早出狱。Simon knew he couldn't possibly provide a blood sample without implicating himself.西蒙知道,如果提供了血样,就不可能不把自己牵涉进去。Simon was an ambitious man, eager for power and prestige.西蒙雄心勃勃,一心渴求显达。Mr Simon said he was not against taxes as such.西蒙先生说他对税收本身并不反对。Simon had been drinking and was in a filthy temper.西蒙一直在喝酒,气冲冲的。Simon's been selected to go to the conference.西蒙被选去参加此次大会。Simon told Susan that his marriage was a charade, continued only for the sake of the children.西蒙告诉苏珊他的婚姻是一种假象,只是看在孩子们的份上才维持着。Simon shuffled awkwardly up to them.西蒙脚步踉跄地朝他们走去。Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her.玛丽安发现西蒙坐在她旁边,不怎么高兴。It would have been worse but for Simon's intervention.要是没有西蒙的调停,事情将会变得更糟。Simon seemed confident, but privately he grew increasingly anxious.西蒙看上去很有信心,但私下里他越来越焦虑。 |