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词汇 embarrassing
例句 The dialogue is excruciatingly embarrassing.对话十分难堪,让人不堪忍受。It was so embarrassing - he just started yelling at his wife.那时候真令人尴尬一他开始对他妻子大声叫骂起来。I'm afraid I've been put into a rather embarrassing position.我恐怕处于一个相当难堪的境地。It was embarrassing and sad to see this man reduced to a mumbling wreck.看见这个人变得口齿不清、弱不禁风,真是让人既难堪又悲哀。The dialogue is excruciatingly embarrassing.对话十分令人尴尬。The revelations about the President's university life were to prove deeply embarrassing to him.总统的大学生活曝光给他带来极大的难堪。Larry had the vague feeling he'd done something embarrassing the night before.拉里隐约觉得自己前一天晚上做了什么尴尬的事。The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.前海军官员们自揭伤疤的做法显然非常令人尴尬。She's always making up to the boss – it's quite embarrassing.她总是讨好上司,真让人难堪。Although most of the facts were published the government kept back certain details that might prove embarrassing.虽然大部分事实已被公布,政府仍然隐瞒了一些可能让人尴尬的细节。That was an embarrassing situation for me.那种情形让我难堪。The candidate's mistake proved embarrassing and politically costly.事实证明候选人的这个错误不仅使他难堪,而且政治代价高昂。It was acutely embarrassing for us all.这对我们所有人来说都极为尴尬。This latest incident could be embarrassing to the government.最近的这次事故可能令政府难堪。He realized that he had committed/made an awful/embarrassing gaffe when he mispronounced her name.念错她名字时,他意识到自己犯了一个极难看/尴尬的错误。It was a weeny bit embarrassing.情况稍微有些尴尬。The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers.这个发言使内阁大臣们深感窘迫。Attempts to find civilian volunteers have met with embarrassing failure.寻找平民志愿者的种种尝试都遭遇了令人难堪的失败。With consummate skill, she steered the conversation away from any embarrassing subjects.她极巧妙地引导谈话避开了所有尴尬的话题。The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.弦外之音很明显:投票给我们,否则你会非常难堪。Men find it embarrassing to be honest.实话实说让男人觉得难为情。This is a mite embarrassing.这有点儿让人感到尴尬。There's nothing so embarrassing as when things go wrong.没有什么比事情弄糟更使人难堪的了。I wish he wouldn't ask such embarrassing questions.我希望他不会问这么令人难堪的问题。He'd hoped to efface the memory of an embarrassing speech.他希望把那次令人尴尬的演讲从记忆中抹去。The policy is destined to be another embarrassing flop.这项政策注定会成为又一次难堪的失败。The whole situation was acutely embarrassing.整个局面极其尴尬。Malcolm was in bad odour with his father over the embarrassing incident.在那件令人尴尬的事情上,马尔科姆的父亲对他很不满。She felt doubly guilty, embarrassing him and wasting money.她既让他难堪,又浪费了钱,因此倍感愧疚。In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.内务大臣尴尬地作出让步,解除了将其驱逐出境的威胁。My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.母亲在场使局面更加令人尴尬。You're embarrassing him with your compliments!你的赞美之词使他很不好意思。He is being hit by a series of embarrassing rebuffs.他正遭受一系列令他难堪的冷遇。This incident is deeply embarrassing for the government.这一事件让政府非常难堪。A brief but embarrassing silence ensued.紧接着是短暂却令人难堪的沉默。I found myself in an embarrassing situation.我发现自己处境尴尬。If her father came to pick her up, that would be too embarrassing for words!如果她的父亲来接她,那真是尴尬得无法用言语形容了!He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.使别人难堪,他就获得了变态的满足感。It's so embarrassing when everyone else is being serious and you can't stop laughing.大家都一本正经的,而你却忍不住笑起来,这多令人尴尬呀。The embarrassing revelations came just hours before he was to make his speech.就在他要作演讲之前几个小时,令人尴尬的内情被披露了。




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