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例句 He was elected to a US state governorship.被选为美国的一个州长。He's been chosen as the employee of the month four times this year! 今年他已经四次被选为月度优秀员工。One programme was singled out as being particularly good.有一个节目被选为是特别好的。She was voted queen of the prom.被选为学年舞会女王。He was elected sheriff of the county.被选为县警长。Seattle has been chosen as the venue for next year's conference.西雅图被选为明年会议召开的地点。The hotel was picked as the best small hotel in the area.那家宾馆被选为那个地区的最佳小型宾馆。His colleagues predict he'll be anointed party chairman next year.他的同事们预测明年他将被选为党主席。He was the first black to be elected as Mayor.他是第一位被选为市长的黑人。The nightingale was anciently selected as the highest example of a perfect singer.夜莺在古代被选为歌唱家的最高典范。They were anointed as fashion icons of grunge.他们被选为垃圾风尚的典范。He was adopted as a Liberal parliamentary candidate.被选为自由党议员候选人。She had been elected president of the charity.被选为该慈善团体的主席。I was elected to represent the people of Bristol.被选为布里斯托尔居民的代表。It's ironic that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.数学最差的学生竟被选为班级财务干事,真是讽刺。He was selected to be the UN's rapporteur on nuclear energy.被选为联合国核能问题的特派调查员。He was chosen to serve as senator.被选为参议员。He gained a lot of kudos when he was chosen to play Hamlet.被选为哈姆雷特的扮演者时,他获得了很多赞扬。She was returned as prime minister.被选为首相。He was elected governor of California.被选为加利福尼亚州州长。She was picked to replace the retiring CEO.被选为即将退休的首席执行官的接替者。Chicago was chosen as the site for an international crime convention.芝加哥被选为打击国际犯罪会议的举办城市。He was picked out as the best player.被选为最佳运动员。She was chosen for the Peace Prize because of her courageous fight for democracy.被选为和平奖得主是因为她敢于争取民主。Marble was selected as the most suitable material for the worktops.大理石被选为操作台面的最佳材料。He was selected for jury duty. 被选为陪审员。She was selected to represent the state of Texas at the conference.被选为这次会议上得克萨斯州的代表。Surprisingly, mathematics was voted their favourite subject.令人惊讶的是,数学课被选为他们最喜欢的科目。She was elected party leader without serving the normal political apprenticeship.她没有经过常规的政治历练就被选为党的领导人。He's been chosen to chair the task force on school violence.被选为处理校园暴力的特别小组的组长。She was voted the most improved player on the team.被选为球队中进步最大的队员。His aunt was elected the representative of the whole sisterhood of nurses.他的姑妈被选为全体护士妇女团体的代表。He was voted Sportsperson of the Year.被选为年度杰出运动员。Imir's been voted onto the union committee.伊米尔被选为工会委员会的成员了。She was elected Chair of the Board of Governors.被选为董事会主席。He was voted king of the prom.被选为舞会的舞王。Many of the industries chosen for government investment have in fact already gone bankrupt.许多被选为政府投资项目的企业实际上已经破产。She couldn't hide her disappointment at not being chosen for the team.没有被选为队员,她掩饰不住自己的失望。We're hoping to be chosen as the venue for the World Cup after next.我们希望被选为下下届世界杯的比赛地。




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