例句 |
The first signs of the disease can easily be overlooked.疾病的早期征兆很容易被忽略。In course of time old customs and observances tend to fall into neglect.随着时间的推移,旧风俗习惯有被忽略的趋势。It is easy to overlook a small detail like that.那样的细枝末节很容易被忽略。The Hotel les Tipaniers, practically hidden between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth finding.蒂庞宾馆几乎是躲在两家更大的酒店之间,很容易被忽略,但是却值得一找。Prisoners' wives are the forgotten victims of crime.囚犯的妻子们是被忽略的犯罪受害者。 |