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We salute the flag everyday at school.我们在学校每天向国旗行礼。This pianist made his bow and sat down to play.钢琴家向听众行礼致意,然后坐下演奏。The officer raised his hand in salute.这名军官举手行礼。All hand luggage has to be scanned.所有手提行礼都必须经过扫描。In my school we had to salute the US flag each morning.在学校,我们每天早晨都得向美国国旗行礼。They made the traditional obeisance to their monarch.他们按传统仪式向君主行礼。They made obeisance to the sultan.他们向苏丹鞠躬行礼。They prostrated themselves before their king.他们向国王跪拜行礼。They raised their hands in salute.他们举手行礼。 |