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Jim looked with distaste at the cockroach in his soup.吉姆厌恶地看着汤里的蟑螂。There was a big cockroach in the kitchen and Barbara stamped on it.厨房里有一只很大的蟑螂,芭芭拉用力地踩它。Marta shrieked and started stamping on the cockroach.玛塔尖叫着去踩那只蟑螂。Once cockroaches get into a building, it's very difficult to exterminate them.一旦楼里有了蟑螂,就很难将其彻底消灭。Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin.苍蝇、虱子和蟑螂都可以被称作是害虫。He found his brother in a seedy, roach-infested apartment.他发现自己的哥哥住在一套破旧肮脏、蟑螂肆虐的公寓里。We had to fumigate the cellar to get rid of cockroaches.我们不得不烟熏地下室来除蟑螂。The building was heavily infested with cockroaches.这座大楼里蟑螂泛滥成灾。The room was crawling with roaches and other vermin.屋子里爬满了蟑螂和其他害虫。The mere sight of a cockroach makes my blood curdle.只要一看见蟑螂我就恶心。The kitchen was infested with cockroaches.厨房里到处是蟑螂。The aircraft was fumigated and searched but no cockroaches were found.这架飞机经过了熏蒸和搜查,但是并没有发现任何蟑螂的影子。Our hotel room was crawling with bugs and roaches.我们住的旅馆房间内满是臭虫和蟑螂。The premises were treated for cockroach infestation.因蟑螂成灾,这些房屋集中进行了灭蟑活动。 |