例句 |
It doesn't take a crystal ball to predict his resignation will probably follow.即使不用水晶球占卜,也能预测到他很可能不久会辞职。Remember that these are only guidelines: I don't have a crystal ball.不要忘了这些只是指导方针:我不能预测未来。I don't know if it will work-I don't have a crystal ball.我不知道它是否会管用 - 我没有能预卜未来的水晶球。Without a crystal ball it's impossible to say where we'll be next year.没有水晶球,谁也说不出明年我们会怎样。Looking into the crystal ball, it's safe to say that interest rates will rise next year.预测一下未来,可以很明确地说明年利率会上升。I can't look into my crystal ball and tell you what will happen!我不能看一下水晶球就告诉你将要发生什么! |