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例句 Last year's attacks have continued to have a negative impact on the tourist industry this year.去年的袭击对今年的旅游业依然有着负面影响。Racism continues to permeate our society.在我们的社会里,种族主义依然无处不在。These were the first railways, the first means of crossing wide open spaces that are still vast and untamed, even today.这些是最早的铁路,荒漠的土地上最早的交通工具,而这些土地甚至在今天依然广袤如初,荒无人烟。There weren't many people at the party, but we still had a good time.聚会上人不多,但我们依然很开心。The petrol gauge is still on full.汽油表显示汽油依然是满的。He was often selfish and thoughtless, but she loved him, warts and all. 他经常自私且做事欠考虑,但尽管他有诸多缺点,她依然爱他。Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies.作者们依然有用脚投票的权利,离开去加盟一些规模更小的公司。It rained all day, but we made the best of it.尽管下了一天的雨,但我们依然过得开心。The bullet holes are still clearly visible in the walls.墙上的弹孔依然清晰可见。Her popularity remains unabated.她的受欢迎程度依然不减。The business is still going strong.生意依然不错。Japan's low crime rate remains the envy of the industrialized world.日本的低犯罪率依然让发达国家感到羡慕。Sara, while remaining outwardly amiable toward all concerned, was inwardly furious.萨拉尽管表面上对所有相关的人依然和蔼可亲,内心却怒火中烧。This will still be the case long after our generation has turned to dust.等我们这一代人早已故去后,情况依然还会如此。The ban remains in force. 禁令依然有效。Her present whereabouts are/is unknown.她目前依然下落不明。Until recently, scientists had been remarkably uncritical of these findings.直到最近,科学家们对这些发现依然没有提出任何明显的批评。He was still economically dependent on his mother.他在经济上依然依赖母亲。There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city.强烈的敌对和紧张气氛依然笼罩着这座城市。He still harbors deep feelings of resentment toward his former employer.依然对前任雇主深怀怨恨。The Greeks are still powerful players in world shipping.希腊人依然是世界航运业强有力的竞争者。The contest remains evenly balanced.比赛依然不分胜负。Graeme remains a supremely talented cricketer and must still have a splendid future in the game.格雷姆依然是一个极有天赋的板球运动员,在这项运动中一定仍可拥有辉煌的前程。He still looks young for his age.以他的年龄来说,他看起来依然显小。The tribal custom still prevails after hundreds of years.部落的这一风俗经过了数百年依然沿袭。It was almost too dark to see properly, but he carried on anyway.太暗了,看不清,可是他依然继续。Many houses remained unimproved.许多住房依然没有翻新。The taste of the chocolate was still on her tongue.巧克力的余味依然留在她的唇齿之间。He's still keeping his chin up despite all his health problems.尽管他的健康出现了问题,但他依然很乐观。The identity of the suicide bombers remained unknown.这些自杀性爆炸者的身份依然不明。The glasses remained intact after being dropped.那些玻璃杯坠地后依然完好无损。The relations between the two countries are still fickle.两国间的关系依然变化不定。The country still contains extremes of wealth and poverty.该国依然贫富悬殊。The political situation is still very unstable.政局依然非常动荡。People still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.人们依然留着短发、穿着传统服装。Running a television company may no longer be a licence to print money, but it is still highly rewarding.经营电视公司也许不再是一本万利,但依然挺挣钱的。Jody manages to look elegant, even in a simple pantsuit.即使穿着简朴的长裤套装,乔迪看起来依然气质高雅。He still had a loving relationship with his daughter.他同女儿依然亲近。She still corresponds with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.她与九年前在马略卡岛认识的美国朋友依然有书信往来。I reckon I can still cut a dash in leopardskin Lycra.我认为我用豹纹莱卡面料依然可以引人注目。




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