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词汇 依法
例句 The play was interdicted by law.剧本被依法禁演。The government is required by law to provide education for all minors.政府必须依法为所有未成年人提供教育。The migrant workers squatted on the unused farm.季节工人依法在闲置的农场上定居下来。He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him.他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。Building contractors must operate within the law by ensuring that an acceptable standard of work is carried out.建筑承包商必须依法经营,确保工程的质量标准令人满意。In a case of premeditated murder a life sentence is mandatory.蓄意杀人依法要判无期徒刑。If there is an accident, the owner of the vehicle will be legally responsible.如果发生事故,车主将依法承担法律责任。Amy protested she was being cheated of her rightful share.艾米提出抗议,说她被人骗取了她依法应得的份额。As for the imprisoned leaders, he asserted that justice would have to take its course.他坚称必须对监禁的领导人依法审判。The crime will be treated with the full rigour of the law.这一罪行会严格依法审理。There is legal redress against such an annoyance as you are being subjected to.对付像你现在正受到的这种烦扰有依法要求赔偿的办法可循。Alliott told Singleton he was passing the sentence prescribed by law.阿利奥特告诉辛格尔顿他是依法判决。Courts can show a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to applying the law.法庭在依法量刑断案方面有较大的自由度。These standards need to be legally enforceable.这些标准需要依法实行。The government has been legitimately elected by the people.政府是由人民依法选出的。The property is rightfully mine.这份财产依法是属于我的。He began a legal challenge to clear his name.他开始依法提出质疑,以还自己一个清白。In old movies the police shouted "Open up in the name of the law" before they broke the door down.在老电影中,警察在破门而入之前会大喊“我们要依法撞门了”。The government has been legitimately elected by the people.这个政府是人民依法选举出来的。Consumers have the legal right to demand their money back if a product is faulty.如果产品有瑕疵,消费者依法享有要求退款的权利。A person accused of a crime is considered innocent until proven guilty.受指控者,在未依法证实有罪之前,视同无罪。The president said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.总统称毒品正在危害整个世界,任何非法贩卖毒品的人都应依法受到惩处。Alabama may have been legally forced by the courts to kill off its segregationist policies.亚拉巴马州可能已被法院依法强令终止其种族隔离政策。He runs the company by fiat.依法经营公司。They now face the prospect of having to wear a cycling helmet by law.他们现在面临的情形是:不久将需要依法佩戴摩托车头盔。Drug smuggling carries a mandatory death sentence.走私毒品依法必须判处死刑。Tobacco smuggling into the UK is seriously affecting the profits of legitimate importers.烟草走私进入英国,严重影响了依法经营的进口商的利润。The Department of Health has initiated a process of statutory regulation for complementary therapies.卫生部已经启动对辅助疗法进行依法管理的程序。




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