例句 |
Compared to the excitement of the earlier parts of the film, the ending was a little anticlimactic.跟前面几个动人心魄的部分相比,这部电影的结局有点虎头蛇尾。She never does anything by halves—it's all or nothing!她做事情从来不虎头蛇尾。要么不做,要做就尽全力His speech was a bit of an anticlimax.他的演讲有些虎头蛇尾。After a sumptuous lunch in a restaurant the hamburger supper is anticlimactic.下馆子吃了一顿丰盛的午饭之后,以汉堡包作晚饭无异是虎头蛇尾的骤变。I was left with a feeling of anti-climax.这给我一种虎头蛇尾的感觉。 |