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词汇 压抑
例句 When we feel anger, we bury the emotion and feel guilty instead.当我们感到愤怒时,压抑这种情绪反而会觉得内疚。It's bad to suppress your feelings.压抑自己的情感不利于健康。I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day.我感觉很压抑,整天没精打采地四处闲逛。The book was good, but I found the barren lives of the characters depressing.这本书还不错,但是我觉得书中那些人物单调的生活令人压抑She felt oppressed and discouraged in such an unfriendly environment.在这样一种冷漠的环境中,她感到既压抑又沮丧。Life at home with her parents and two sisters was stifling.和父母及两个姐妹生活在一起让她感到很压抑He paints a depressing picture of modern life.他画了一幅令人压抑的现代生活图景。The story is set in the suffocating petit bourgeois world.故事的背景是压抑的小资产阶级世界。She heard him let out a pitiful, muffled groan.她听到他发出一声令人悲悯的压抑的呻吟。The place oppressed Aubrey even before his eyes adjusted to the dark.奥布里的眼睛还没有适应黑暗之前,这地方便已经让他觉得很压抑了。The more we force those emotions back, the more difficult it is to keep them contained.我们越是竭力压抑那些情感,就越难克制。She started to cry, releasing all of her repressed emotion.她哭了起来,把所有压抑的情绪都宣泄了出来。Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.一个人成年期的情感压抑似乎很明显是其童年时期经历的反映。Depression can be traced to holding in anger.抑郁症可以追溯到对愤怒情绪的压抑Teachers have been attacked for stifling creativity in their pupils.教师被人批评压抑了学生的创造力。She walked through the city centre with its drab, grey buildings and felt depressed.走过市中心那些单调的灰色建筑物,她心里感觉很压抑The atmosphere became oppressive.气氛变得压抑There was a brooding oppressiveness in the air.有一种沉重压抑的气氛。She was forced to bridle her anger.她不得不压抑怒火。All of his pent-up emotion came pouring out.他所有压抑的情绪都倾泻而出。I was feeling depressed and just mooned about all day.我感到很压抑,整天没精打采地瞎转悠。We had a week of dull depressing weather.我们经历了一周沉闷压抑的天气。Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许,正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样,在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。It can be bad for you to hold in anger.压抑怒火会不利于健康。Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression.缺乏运动会导致心情压抑There is a subdued atmosphere in the school at exam time.在考试期间,学校里有一种压抑的氛围。I felt cramped and uncomfortable.我感到很压抑,极不舒服。Men are required to suppress a large proportion of their feelings.男人大多数情况下要压抑自己的感情。You shouldn't keep your anger in all the time.你不应该总是压抑你的怒气。The gloom in the chapel oppressed her.小教堂内的阴暗气氛使她感到压抑Somehow, the room oppressed him.这房间不知怎么使他感到压抑He grew up in a stifling atmosphere of bigotry and narrow-mindedness.他在偏执、狭隘的压抑环境中长大。The film features brooding, doomy music.压抑忧伤的音乐是这部电影的一个突出特点。He had been raised in a very repressed Victorian family.他成长于一个非常压抑的维多利亚时代的家庭。Emotions can become destructive if they are suppressed and denied.情绪如受到压抑及不被认可就可能变得具有破坏性。The stories tend to be downbeat.这些故事有点使人感到压抑The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.他们也感觉到了同样沉重压抑的寂静。The room looks very dark and depressing.这个房间看起来非常昏暗和压抑Her pent-up anger was released in a torrent of words.压抑的愤怒在滔滔不绝的话语中爆发出来。Some have charged that the Puritans were sexually repressed and inhibited.一些人谴责说清教徒的性欲受到压抑,并且个性拘谨。




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