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词汇 压扁
例句 Place the balls of cookie dough on a baking sheet, and flatten each one with your hand.将球状的小甜饼生面团放在烤盘上,用手逐个压扁She pressed the ball of dough flat.她把面团压扁The small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。The cake accidentally got squished.蛋糕被不小心压扁了。Someone sat on my hat and squashed it.有人坐在我的帽子上把它压扁了。Peel off the blackened skin, flatten the pepper out and trim it into edible pieces.把发黑的外皮削掉,然后把甜椒压扁,切成方便入口的小块。He squashed the can flat between his hands.他用双手把罐子压扁The front of the car was completely crushed in the accident.汽车的前部在事故中被彻底压扁He fell against me so heavily I thought he was going to flatten me.他重重地摔在我身上,我以为他会把我压扁了呢。The child sat on my hat and squashed it.那孩子坐在我的帽子上,把帽子压扁了。Cut the dough into four and flatten each piece slightly.把面团切成四块,逐每块轻轻压扁She made clay models and squashed them flat again.她捏了些泥塑,又将它们再次压扁They were trapped inside the crushed car and had to be cut free. = They had to be cut from the car.他们被困在压扁的车里,只有把汽车切开才能脱身。Please squash all aluminum cans flat before placing them in the bin.请把铝罐都压扁后再放进垃圾箱。Their vehicle was crushed by an army tank.他们的汽车被军用坦克压扁了。There was a flattened Coca-Cola can on the ground.地上有一个压扁了的可口可乐罐子。Her little car was completely flattened in the accident.她的小汽车在车祸中完全给压扁了。The machine crushes the cans so that they can be stored until they are recycled.那台机器把易拉罐压扁,这样便于存放以待回收利用。The boy squished his nose against the window pane.男孩把鼻子贴在窗户玻璃上压扁了。




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