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The ball landed in the water near him, causing a small splash of seawater on his shoulder.球在他附近落水,海水溅起一阵小水花,打在他肩上。The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side.那个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。We heard the plump of the frogs as we approached the pond.当我们走近池塘时,我们听到青蛙落水的扑通声。They threw a lifeline to the man overboard.他们把救生索扔给那个从船上落水的人。His heroism in saving the drowning boy from the river was highly praised.他从河里救起落水男孩的英雄行为受到高度的赞扬。He came in from the rain looking like a drowned rat. 他从雨中进屋,淋得像只落水老鼠。The pond was railed off to stop children falling into it.池塘用栅栏围起隔开,以防止小孩落水。She risked her life to save the drowning child.她冒着生命危险去救那名落水儿童。We heard a splash from the pool.我们听到水塘里传来了扑通的落水声。 |