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词汇 处方药
例句 The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol.文章说韦尔把处方药和酒一起服下企图自杀。They blame the problem on the new prescription drug law.他们指责说问题出在新的处方药法律上。To cut down on competition, the government passed price controls on prescription drugs.为减少竞争,政府通过了处方药价格控制方案。The black market in prescription drugs is thriving.买卖处方药的黑市交易正在泛滥。Are you taking any other medicines whether on prescription or bought over the counter?你在服用其他什么处方药或非处方药吗?If you're pregnant, you can get free prescriptions.要是怀孕的话可以获得免费的处方药I'm not sleeping even with the prescription Ackerman gave me.即使服用了阿克曼给我的处方药,我还是睡不着觉。He had to go back to the chemist's to collect his prescription.他不得不回药店去拿他的处方药You used to be able to buy this medicine over the counter, but it is now a prescription drug.你以前能在柜台买到这种药,但它现在是处方药It's a drug commonly prescribed for pain relief.这是一种止痛常用的处方药She paid out of pocket for the prescription.她自费买了处方药The woman apparently tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of a prescription drug.这女人显然是想以过量服用处方药来自杀。Sharing prescription medication with other people is a definite no-no.和他人共用处方药是绝对不允许的。The drug will be covered by Medicare's new prescription benefit.这种药物将包含在医疗保险的新处方药福利之内。Prescription drug prices rose.处方药价格上涨了。She has been using marijuana to alleviate side-effects from prescription drugs.她一直靠大麻来减少处方药的副作用。About a quarter of the drugs in prescription medicines today are derived from plants.现在的处方药中,有四分之一左右是从植物中提取的。The thieves made away with a quantity of prescription drugs.窃贼偷走了大量处方药I have to pick up my prescription.我得去拿医生开的处方药




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