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词汇 落下
例句 A fall of rocks blocked the entrance to the cave.落下的岩石阻塞了洞口。Missiles fell on the city.导弹在这个城市落下Snow began to quietly fall.雪开始悄悄地落下The rain pattered down softly.雨水啪嗒啪嗒地轻轻落下We watched the leaves spiral down from the trees in the cold autumn wind.我们看着树叶在寒冷的秋风中盘旋落下The sun rises, reaches its zenith and sets.太阳升起,到达天顶,然后落下The apples dropped ripe from the trees.成熟的苹果从树上落下The curtain fell as the play came to an end.当演出结束时,大幕徐徐落下After the car accident he got permanently maimed.车祸后他落下终身残废。Food is placed in a large cage, and when the animal enters, the door drops down.食物放在一个大笼子里,动物进来时,门就落下关上了。As the curtain falls for the last time, we see a young woman holding a dying man in her arms.当大幕最后一次落下时,我们看到一位年轻女子,怀中抱着一个奄奄一息的男子。The flag went down, and the race began.信号旗落下,比赛开始了。He was beaned by a book that fell from the third floor.他的头部被从三楼落下的一本书击中。The oxygen mask in the plane will pop down by itself.飞机上的氧气面罩会快速自动落下You'll have to make up the work you missed while you were away.你必须补上缺勤期间落下的工作。The sun was sinking lower.太阳渐渐落下At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内拉往好里说会落下残疾,往坏处说可能会生命不保。The City wanted to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.伦敦金融界希望大张旗鼓而不是悄无声息地落下帷幕。The floor was covered with shavings from his wood carvings.地上满是他刻木雕时落下的碎屑。The sun was setting on the horizon.地平线上太阳正在落下I don't know whose laptop it is. Somebody must have left theirs.我不知道这是谁的笔记本电脑,准是有人落下的。Tomatoes that fall off the vine will decay on the ground.从枝蔓上落下的番茄会在地上腐烂。The sun sets in the west.太阳在西方落下At the end of the play the curtain came down to tremendous applause.剧终时,幕布在经久不息的掌声中落下I don't want to be missing out. And that motivates me to get up and do something every day.我不想被落下。这促使我行动起来每天做点事。The falling board gave him an awful whack on the head.落下的木板在他头上狠狠地砸了一下。The bombs continued to fall, but somehow the city still functioned.炸弹继续落下,但不知怎的,这座城市仍在运转。A flower pot dropped from his balcony.一个花盆从他家阳台落下The rain dripped monotonously from the trees.雨水从树上滴滴答答地落下At best Nellie would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内莉往轻了说会落下残疾,往重了说可能会性命不保。He fell out of his bunk and hit the floor with a bang.他从铺位落下,砰的一声掉在地上。Robin Hood asked to be buried where his arrow landed.罗宾汉让人们把他安葬在他的箭落下的位置。The applause died down as the curtain closed.随着幕布的落下,掌声渐渐平息下来。Another drop of water fell with a soft plop.又一滴水嘀嗒一声落下I dropped the metal bar and it hit the floor with a loud clang.金属条在我手中落下,当的一声打到地板上。The plane lost control, clipping power cables as it fell.飞机失去控制,落下时撞上了电线。Occasionally scree fell in a shower of dust and noise.偶尔会有岩屑带着烟尘哗啦啦地落下I got some great shots of Mount Fuji with the sun setting behind it.我拍了几张太阳正从富士山背后落下的好照片。The laws of physics dictate that what goes up must come down.物理定律决定了上升的物体一定会落下Leaves fall from the trees.叶子从树上落下




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